Anonymous ID: 4c35c3 Oct. 30, 2020, 4:20 p.m. No.11366107   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>11365596 (lb)



>>11365610 (lb)



Listen up anon's, in a nutshell. for one China and Russia have to be turned by the 'invisible enemy' which is Gates/Schwab and all their grunt oligarchs @ Davos/WEF to accept their brain dead Fascist/Communist Green New Reset, to take over the world system and they've blackmailed and bought many politicians and bureaucrats to do it. They're into everything (gov't and private institutions), like Pacino in the 'devils advocate'.


What's their mechanism???


'muh corona' to instill terror in the worldwide population, why?


well let me tell you a little story (edited version): One of HItler's Generals was on the stand during the Nuremberg trials and was posed a question.


Sir, what motivated the German people to follow the Fascist/Hitler system, the German people were educated, intelligent, well mannered people?


the General replied: That's simple, they were motivated by FEAR, it's easy to move the herd in any direction you want and doesn't matter what system they come out of.


also, why are they doing it??? Because Central Banks worldwide are trapped, negative interest rates in Europe and massive welfare debt has destroyed their Financial system. If they raise interest rates they'll blow out their budgets, and at present negative rates, who in their right mind, would buy their worthless bonds, no-one!


So rather than admit their error's and get off the fucking stage, they want to keep their power and jobs. the nefarious WEF (the problem creators) created a plan and that plan is complete subjugation of humanity and all it's resources.


create a consol bond, end paper currency and go full blown digital so they can surveil every transaction humanity makes, thus having complete control to create or shut off the masses credit/buy or sell, trade anytime. a digital id injected or some form of nano tech to give you a # and your full economic/social profile.


Yes there that fucking crazy and evil!


POTUS re-election will only stall their plans, it's what comes after Trump that's terrifying!


I pray fervently Q's w/anon's on board, plan is much greater to deliver us from these bad brain EGO's that hatched this insane horror!!!