Anonymous ID: 4fadc0 Oct. 30, 2020, 3:55 p.m. No.11365718   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6011 >>6294 >>6344 >>6357

North Carolina Citizens Defy Proposed Mandatory Mask Law — City Council Stunned by Turn Out Backs Down


Waynesville leaders backed down from a proposed local mask mandate Tuesday night after nearly 100 people packed town hall to voice their opposition.


Tensions rose before the meeting ever began when the assembled crowd — who were being held in the lobby until the doors opened — learned there wasn’t going to be enough room for them all in the town board room.


Those wishing to speak were told to fill out forms and wait until their name was called. This didn’t sit well with many in the crowd, who demanded the meeting be moved to the sidewalk outside so that everyone could see and hear it — touching off a loud chant of “Take it outside.”


Town staff and police officers eventually quelled the crowd and convinced them that waiting for their turn to speak was the only option. Another uprising ensued after the waiting crowd was told they couldn’t come in without a mask when their turn rolled around.


The vast majority weren’t wearing a mask, given the whole reason they were there in the first place was to speak against the proposed mask mandate.


Some claimed exemptions for religious and health reasons, but others simply said they weren’t going to wear one and it would violate their rights to be denied entry to a public hearing on that grounds.


In the end, masks were offered but not compulsory.


The mezzanine outside the town board room, which was packed shoulder to shoulder, well exceeded the fire code capacity. But attempts to disperse some of the waiting crowd to the main lobby downstairs was likewise abandoned as fruitless.


By now, more police officers had been called in to help manage crowd control. The five town board members had arrived through a back door of town hall and were being held in a private room until the meeting began.


Once the doors opened, the first 20 people in line got inside and claimed the limited seats. The rest could listen to audio from the meeting streamed over a speaker, but given the large crowd, only those in close proximity could hear what was transpiring.


Several in attendance left after seeing they wouldn’t be admitted. Others continued to try to gain entry past police officers guarding the doorway. Staff meanwhile attempted to assure everyone they would eventually get a chance to speak — something that ultimately didn’t happen, however.


One by one, those who had filled out a slip of paper to speak came in to take their turn at the mic. Town Attorney Bill Cannon tried to ban the audience outside the doors from clapping and cheering for speakers, threatening on several occasions to cut off the public hearing if it continued. Eventually, the door to the meeting room was simply closed to keep the sounds of clapping out.


To the chagrin of the waiting masses, Cannon cut off the hearing after 32 minutes, saying the allotted time for the hearing was up. Many still waiting outside to speak, who were previously told by town staff they would get their turn, were upset that the town cut off the public hearing.


Although the public hearing was officially closed, every town board meeting has a designated period of general public comment mandated by law to give constituents the chance to address their local elected officials.


So, some who didn’t get their turn during the official public hearing instead decided to speak during the generic public comment session. However, they were cut off if they mentioned the word “mask.”


They were told they weren’t allowed to talk about masks during the public comment period because it had already been covered in the public hearing — despite most not actually getting to speak during the 32-minute hearing. When a 16-year-old took the podium, as soon as she mentioned the word “mask,” Cannon interjected. “Ma’am, this is not the public time period for talking about the ordinance and the masks,” Cannon said.


Several in the audience chimed in calling for the young speaker to be given a break.


Janet Presson was among those who didn’t get to speak in the public hearing and was barred from talking about masks during the public comment period, as well.


“We were told they were done with the mask issue and you couldn’t say the ‘m’ word,” Presson said. “They did everything they could to silence our voices.” She said the town was clearly unprepared to handle the turnout.


“I think they were dumbfounded and horrified,” Presson said. “Mask mandates are a major issue that affect every single person. It is a hot-button issue. They should have done some better planning.” The latest indication is the town leaders will not sign the mask proclamation tonight as originally believed.

Anonymous ID: 4fadc0 Oct. 30, 2020, 3:57 p.m. No.11365733   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5789 >>5934 >>6011 >>6357

Dr. Simone Gold: I DO NOT CONSENT!


Dr. Gold pointed out that suppression of HCQ is a crime against humanity. Depriving people of access to it is killing people. This is a life-saving medication that is extremely safe. It would change everything. Around 70,000 of the 100,000 people who died would be alive now. It’s been FDA-approved for 55 years. It’s given to children, pregnant women, immune-compromised people, to the elderly, to healthy patients. There’s tons of data to support that. It’s only a media fiction that there’s controversy.



Anonymous ID: 4fadc0 Oct. 30, 2020, 4 p.m. No.11365783   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6011 >>6357

Masked men ATTACK abortion protest in Poland with flares


As masses of pro-choice demonstrators gathered in Warsaw to protest a court-issued ban on abortion, a group of masked counter-protesters rushed the throngs, shooting flares right at the crowd.


The streets of the Polish capital were reinforced by police and military on Friday, as thousands of demonstrators gathered to oppose a recent court ruling that introduced a near-total ban on abortion in the mainly Catholic country.


The protests were hailed by politicians and pundits in Western Europe, but some Poles weren’t pleased. In video footage shared on Twitter, a crowd of masked men, labeled by social media users as “nationalists” and “Nazis,” charged towards the demonstrators.


One of the masked men shot a flare point-blank at cameraman Jan Spiewak, as others chucked more flares towards the pro-choice crowd. Scuffles and fights between both sides were also caught on camera.


Friday is the eighth consecutive day of anti-abortion law activism since Poland’s constitutional court closed one of the few remaining grounds for abortion on October 22. It is now only legal for an abortion to take place in cases of rape, incest or to protect the life of the mother.


Abortion is a divisive issue in Poland. A 2016 opinion poll found that, outside of these cases, less than 20 percent of Poles surveyed support legal abortion. Among women, the number was even lower, at under 15 percent.

Anonymous ID: 4fadc0 Oct. 30, 2020, 4:02 p.m. No.11365813   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6011 >>6357

Violent clashes in Barcelona as protesters hurl missiles at police after Catalonia closes borders over Covid


Angry crowds hurled projectiles at police in Barcelona, Spain, on Friday as hundreds of protesters gathered in the streets to demonstrate against the new Covid-19 state of emergency.


The protests follow a decision by Catalan lawmakers to close the region’s borders for 15 days and shut shops, except for food stores, in a bid to halt the spread of coronavirus in its rising second wave.


Police warned the public “not to approach” Plaça Sant Jaume, a square in the city’s Gothic Quarter, where violent clashes saw officers in riot gear wield batons and fire rubber bullets to disperse the public.


The square was a focal point for some 1,500 protesters, some of whom were armed with smoke canisters and firecrackers, according to police.


At least two people have been arrested, local media reported.


In one video posted on social media, a protester can be seen hurling a barrier at a line of police, before dozens of officers then march into the square, some using batons to beat people who are lying on the ground.

Anonymous ID: 4fadc0 Oct. 30, 2020, 4:06 p.m. No.11365863   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5877 >>5888 >>6360

‘It will take 15 seconds’: CNN’s Jake Tapper tells New York Post to bend the knee over Twitter lockout


Echoing Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey, CNN’s Jake Tapper offered a ‘helpful suggestion’ to the New York Post: delete your Hunter Biden laptop post, and you’ll get your account back. The Post editor refused, as a matter of principle.


The Post has been locked out of its account since October 14, after tweeting out a story about the discovery of a laptop that reportedly belonged to Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden’s son, Hunter. Facebook and Twitter moved quickly to suppress the story, mainstream media ignored it, and former US spies declared it looked like “Russian disinformation” while admitting they had no evidence for that claim.

Anonymous ID: 4fadc0 Oct. 30, 2020, 4:09 p.m. No.11365898   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6011 >>6142 >>6357

How Many People Have Already Voted In The 2020 Election? Turnout Already Exceeds 2016 In One Key Battleground State


Early voting is breaking records across the country,with more than 85 million Americans having already cast their ballots, according to the U.S. Elections Project at the University of Florida.


Michael McDonald, the political science professor who administers the project, said as many as 150 million Americans could vote this year. In comparison, 137 million voted in 2016.


In one key battleground state, Texas, turnout has already exceeded the total number of votes cast in 2016. The latest figures show that 9,009,850 Texans have already voted, higher than the 8,969,226 total ballots cast in the previous presidential election.


Texas, with 38 electoral votes, is rated a “toss up” state by the Cook Political Report.


In another key battleground state this cycle, Georgia, early voting has reached 86.9% of 2016 turnout. So far, 3,621,485 Georgians have already voted, with Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger predicting 6 million Georgians could cast their ballots in this year’s election.


Georgia, with 16 electoral votes, is also rated a “toss up” by Cook.


Recent polls show Biden with a strong lead over Trump in the general election. Biden has an average 7.8 point nationwide lead over Trump, according to polling aggregator RealClearPolitics.


By election day 1.4 billions would've voted I suspect!

Anonymous ID: 4fadc0 Oct. 30, 2020, 4:30 p.m. No.11366259   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6313 >>6357

A Dark Chapter – Hunter Biden Recorded Video of Himself and a Hooker Watching Perverted Porn Scene Filmed in a Church


(Disclaimer: This is so perverted and dark that we debated on whether to report it but we decided to share the truth. This is an immediate member of a family who wants to reside in the White House and lead this country.)

The Biden Family wants America to believe that they are the typical hard working American family, but nothing could be further from the truth. Bagman and chronic addict Hunter Biden is also demented, perverted and an abuser, and the Bidens are working hard to cover this up.


Joe Biden said his son Hunter had done “nothing but good things his whole life” but this appears not to be the case. Additional information uncovered from a laptop Hunter left with a computer repair shop shows a different story.


On Monday text messages were uncovered indicating VP Biden and his wife colluded to suppress Hunter’s actions with a certain minor.


On Tuesday we uncovered information showing how Hunter put his family at risk for Russian Blackmail after participating in seedy actions in West Hollywood with at least one Russian woman. This is likely not the only time the family was put in a precarious situation by Hunter.


On Wednesday we reported that Hunter took pictures exposing himself in the presence of a minor. On Thursday we reported that Hunter was accused of “Walking Around Naked Watching Porn Masturbating and Doing Drugs” in front of a minor.


Then yesterday we uncovered that Hunter Biden was not only involved in depraved activities, he filmed them and took pictures of these events too. There is evidence that Hunter published and promoted these activities at the porn website PornHub which included activities with a family member.


Today we’ve uncovered a video on Hunter’s laptop where he recorded the following:


The video begins with Hunter attempting to obtain a ride for the escort service he contacted to come to where Hunter was staying. This was all recorded by Hunter.


Once the woman arrives, Hunter and the woman begin to chat and discuss various items surrounding sex. During this time Hunter discusses a sex video of a young woman on the Internet while sharing a picture of a minor he knows. Next they continue their discussion while they watch a video of women with a clergy in a church having sex. Below is a snap shot from the video:

Anonymous ID: 4fadc0 Oct. 30, 2020, 4:32 p.m. No.11366288   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6357

California Threatens To Arrest 12-Year-Old For Missing 3 Zoom Classes


Are you ready for this week’s absurdity?


Here’s our Friday roll-up of the most ridiculous stories from around the world that are threats to your liberty, risks to your prosperity… and on occasion, inspiring poetic justice.

School Threatens to Arrest 12 Year Old Over Three Missed Zoom Classes


A California school sent a letter threatening to arrest and prosecute a 12 year old boy who missed 90 minutes of online virtual classes.


The letter says the middle-schooler is considered truant if he misses more than a half hour of any given class.


When the boy’s father complained about the threat to his son (who happens to be an excellent student and makes straight A’s), the school principal said his hands were tied.