Whew….you aren't tired yet? I like the new idea to keep track of the bakes/bakers that you are doing. Will definitely curb confusion when shills try to split bakes.
Whew….you aren't tired yet? I like the new idea to keep track of the bakes/bakers that you are doing. Will definitely curb confusion when shills try to split bakes.
yeah, and what a different vibe without the larger crowd. And it's too dark.
Ugh…..don't like it at all.
Wow, POTUS was REALLY pissed.
That was SO unusual and NOT like him.
He wasn't tired……
He was fucking PISSED!!
No one fucks with POTUS. NO ONE.
arrives in Rochester, Minnesota—hops in his motorcade, and goes to greet Great American Patriots who were not allowed into this evenings #MAGA rally as a result of the Dem Govs draconian restrictions & mandates. Get out & VOTE!