Anonymous ID: f578f5 Oct. 30, 2020, 5:48 p.m. No.11367397   🗄️.is 🔗kun

this bread the play becomes 'how can be as insulting as possible to all the anon and rub their faces in the fact of compromised bakers'.


now they are 'god approved'.

last bread it was 'bread godfather'

or 'cappo d'pane'


Cappo d'pane, consierge of shills


come on breadbot team, we're supposed to be offended by you, so saying that 'am I am man your not a man' is you being a dork.

Anonymous ID: f578f5 Oct. 30, 2020, 5:51 p.m. No.11367458   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7517

the bread bot puts on a


a slap in the face

of anyone who doesn't get

that we're watching a puppet show.

he's using a sock, but that's not his hand . . .ewe.

baker thinks of how he can insult the truculent robo poster.

this time maybe say he's a . . . .

or call him a . . .

or say 'you're not a real true anon'

I'm the only real bread-bitch in the bread baker says, bashing himself with an antique puppet that he swipped from an archiological dig in Los Angeles (while on LSD).


anyway, bakers, yes, you are doing a great job. your psycho drama is most complete.

you re the , what did you say, boss, head.


head bitches of the breads!


bitch bakers, head bitches of the breads!


and since they are suppose to be getting us upset, they do a good job, and I do a goodjob pointing out their depraved sideshow.

and if they insult me, they really have no right to.

they know I'm right. I know they are right.

but guys, blasphemy now?

what next?

Anonymous ID: f578f5 Oct. 30, 2020, 6:13 p.m. No.11367756   🗄️.is 🔗kun


many here do not like 'flavored bakers'.

and then you have a fan club who likes to push the boundries of . . . being obvious.

it's not an inviting situation.

it's like people are baiting us to join in the discord.

and sometimes they succeed.

but all in all it's a bread.

we can post.

Q can post.

we don't need your backstory.

when you're not baking, anon, share something of yourself in an off hour.

but to make yourself the featured entertainment, it's distracting.

carry on.

Anonymous ID: f578f5 Oct. 30, 2020, 6:25 p.m. No.11367921   🗄️.is 🔗kun


are you talking about the melodrama that goes on?

at least they aren't doing the jilted gay-diva crossdresser on drugs bit that they did all day yesterday.

Anonymous ID: f578f5 Oct. 30, 2020, 6:29 p.m. No.11367991   🗄️.is 🔗kun


don cha think you're plannnss are better if you donn go splain ing it to evareeeeee body

and their bother?

can't you be a bit more undercover, angels?

seriously just don't be so obvious. and do call your selves 'head bitch of the bread' or what was it 'bread boss' and go triggering the equalitraians who can't help but comment.