Anonymous ID: 23ff56 Oct. 30, 2020, 7:22 p.m. No.11368685   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8758 >>8763

Hey anons. Just moved to the heart of evil (D.C.) for a new job. Already hating it and only been here 2 days (start work in a week). Not seeing obvious signs of strong Biden support (bumper stickers, yard signs) but the most frightening signs of support are plastered right in front of the nearby high school (tons of political signs). I have seen anti-swamp support here and see maybe 10% of the populace showing resistance to mask mandates while walking around, but too many nasty, brainwashed sheeple for my liking. My opinion so far on this shithole is that it is a thin veneer of “importance” over rot. Literally. Paid good money for a safe place to live and will be contacting the agent on ridiculous and obvious lack of maintenance. Only bonus is an awesome view for which I need an awesome camera to record all the little communist bastards trying to destroy our country. Need to hang in here for at least 5 years. Have safety plans in place during and post-election.