Report on Keith Allison interview with Fredo: MB Allison did not show the confident arrogant demeanor he always has. In fact, he was a shell of himself. He is very disappointed in the wrong, in his mind, decree of the 8th circuit that mail-in votes must ARRIVE by election day.
Fredo asks: what can you do? MB Ellison whined that there has been a BIG change in the Supreme Court. MN will count the votes arrived after election day and set them aside. They (the DNC & Lawfare) will then decide on legal. action. Keith Ellison's goose has been cooked.
As to those on the chan who says they would never monitor CNN, oldanon says FINE. Oldanon is having the time of his life serving on the front line under the best Commander-in-Chief of my lifetime in the biggest WAR ever. It's great, warrior can move in in the enemy with no emotion, no feelings, only total concentration on the mission. Then an hour later can take have a beer and KEK with my digital soldiers in arms.
Sun Tzu: Know your enemy better than he knows himself.