Anonymous ID: e09f77 Oct. 30, 2020, 6:54 p.m. No.11368323   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>8414 >>8416



did you even open the article?


it is over kashoggi murder. not vegas


The federal court issued an additional nine summonses to various Saudi officials.


The alleged plot on Jabri’s life ultimately fell apart after the 50-man “Tiger Squad” was denied entry to Canada on October 15, 2018 - days after the Saudi government-ordered slaying of Washington Post journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

The CIA concluded in November 2018 that Khashoggi’s murder had been ordered by the Saudi crown prince.


"Carrying two bags of forensic tools, and complete with forensic personnel experienced with the clean-up of crime scenes - including an instructor in the exact same criminal evidence department as the forensic specialist who dismembered Khashoggi with a bone saw - the Tiger Squad Defendants attempted to enter Canada covertly," read the August complaint filed by Jabri.


The suit refers to the alleged murderers-for-hire as "a private death squad made up of approximately 50 intelligence, military, and forensic operatives recruited from different branches of the Saudi government with one unifying mission: loyalty to the personal whims of Defendant bin Salman."

Anonymous ID: e09f77 Oct. 30, 2020, 7:10 p.m. No.11368523   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>8582


I thought call signs were letters and numbers? i googled this before replying.


There are a few reports on vegas shooting that describe JANET as the airport, not the planes.


from halchan


So why the tanks? Janet Airlines. Janet Airlines Terminal is right by the tanks, and would be the thing you're trying to blow up with the tanks. For those who haven't caught up on this yet, JANET (Just Another Non-Existent Terminal) is the super secret "airline company" that connects McCarran to 6 different classified military sites, including Area 51 and China Lake (of MKUltra fame). It's also the terminal used by Air Force One. Despite possibly being our nation's only Intergalactic Airport and a chokepoint for our most super secret shit, this airline is not run by the Air Force, but by a contractor.

From Wiki: "Due to the airline's secretive nature, little is known about its organization. It is operated for the USAF by infrastructure and defense contractor AECOM through AECOM's acquisition in 2014 of URS Corporation, which acquired EG&G Technical Services in 2002, as derived from URS's history of providing this service to the Air Force and job openings published by URS."

What the Wiki doesn't say is that URS acquired EG&G from The Carlyle Group, who bought EG&G in 1999 and was the sole owner of the company until selling to URS. This is the same Carlyle Group with Bushnigger/Saudi connections.


â–¶Anonymous 10/12/17 (Thu) 13:31:46 586cc1 No.10745236>>10745292 >>10745561 >>10745728 >>10746249 >>10747699 >>10747943

Today, it looks like AECOM runs it. AECOM appears to specialize in basically creating a shadow government, and offering such a wide variety of services that they essentially do everything. Wikipedia has a long list of their "Major Projects" and it's quite substantial, including interestingly, the new World Trade Center. While running Janet Airlines is not on the list, there are quite a number of interestingly strategic international airports such as JFK, LAX, Logan, Sydney, Hong Kong, and Dubai. Interesting collection huh? Since Janet Airlines isn't listed, we have to assume there are others that are not listed, but would be equally interesting. Yet even without knowing those, what we see is pretty amazing itself. Take a look, but basically we're talking about everything you'd want to have to run a global logistics network.

So let's go back to 1999, when The Carlyle Group purchased EG&G, and therefore the ability to run the world's most secretive airline that flies to the world's most secure military bases, which are home to the world's biggest conspiracies. What else was happening in 1999? The brand new Mandalay Bay opened. Interestingly, a top down view of the Mandalay Bay is exactly the same shape as the EG&G logo.

It is around the same time that URS Corp bought EG&G from The Carlyle Group that Stephen Paddock expanded his network and started living in Nevada and actively "gambling" in the casinos.

I think people are massively underestimating the unique talent stack that Stephen Paddock created for himself. He clearly was good at what he did. He covered his tracks, and even the brother Eric knows it. Notice in one of the interviews his emphasis on encouraging people to "check the public record." He knows Stephen covered his tracks. He's a social media ghost. Speaking of Eric interviews, there is one part where he insists that Stephen wasn't involved in anything religious or political, but he gives tells on political, hesitating slightly. I imagine him suddenly having the thought "does smuggling guns and pizza for the CIA count as political?"

Speaking of pizza, if you have been paying attention to anything this past year, you know that networks like this exist. Even ignoring Pizzagate, you can look at Fast and Furious, Benghazi, or Iran Contra if you go back enough. Fundamentally, all the pizzagate stuff is just one facet of a much larger picture that is about the global black market, its supply chain, and the old wealth (Illuminati, etc.) who control it all. If you are transporting illegal things, it doesn't really matter what they are, the logistics and transportation is what you do. So, if you are moving guns, you'll probably also move drugs, and maybe people.

I believe that the most likely explanation at this point based on this is that Paddock was the only shooter, and probably killed himself, but that he had an accomplice who was supposed to move the car. The other possibility is that some organization that was aware of Paddock and his connection to Janet conducted the attack to expose this. I think that unlikely.

I think the reason for the shady Fed reaction is not that this was done by them, but done by one of their assets, and they don't have a clue why and they are freaking out.