Anonymous ID: f89af3 Oct. 30, 2020, 6:45 p.m. No.11368211   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>foreign country attacks yours directly and indirectly

>because of traitors in government those attacks get covered up

>push faggotry, degeneracy, and pedophilia through their (((mainstream publications)))

>rake in tons of taxpayer cashola due to a falsely created narrative/hoax during ww2

>drive entire families and generation to ruin due to usury, terrible trade deals benefiting only israel and fat kike bankers/crooked politicans like schiff, nadler, pelosi, romney, et al.

>kike shills expecting long time anons to forget about those atrocities by a rothschild satellite and his little shabbos puppets

fuck, the day of the rope can't come quick enough for these heebs