go fuck yourself, foreigner traitor.
>foreign country attacks yours directly and indirectly
>because of traitors in government those attacks get covered up
>push faggotry, degeneracy, and pedophilia through their (((mainstream publications)))
>rake in tons of taxpayer cashola due to a falsely created narrative/hoax during ww2
>drive entire families and generation to ruin due to usury, terrible trade deals benefiting only israel and fat kike bankers/crooked politicans like schiff, nadler, pelosi, romney, et al.
>kike shills expecting long time anons to forget about those atrocities by a rothschild satellite and his little shabbos puppets
fuck, the day of the rope can't come quick enough for these heebs
someone could probably easily shoop in some backwards facing npc's, but only like 4 of them, and joe biden behind the podium