Anonymous ID: fed385 Oct. 30, 2020, 6:35 p.m. No.11368060   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8076 >>8198 >>8686


baker you missed this lb

they're trying to frame the proud boys for this.. we should be looking into all of this guy's social media and try to figure out who the fuck he is. i'm sure there will be more of these instances..


North Dakota man arrested for threatening to blow up voting location

An email sent to The Dickinson Press stated, "I will blow up the voting location in Stark Co.," and it was signed by "The Proud Boys."

Written By: Jackie Jahfetson | Oct 29th 2020 - 7pm.


DICKINSON, N.D. – A 33-year-old self-professed “Proud Boy” was arrested Wednesday, Oct. 28, by the Dickinson Police Department on terrorizing charges after sending an anonymous email to The Dickinson Press in which he conveyed a bomb threat, targeting a voting location in the city.


Anthony A. Raymond of Dickinson was arrested and is being held at the Southwest Multi-County Correction Center. The anonymous email threat was received by The Press Wednesday afternoon.


The email stated, “I will blow up the voting location in Stark Co.,” and it was signed by “The Proud Boys.”


The “Proud Boys” is a far-right and neo-facist male-only organization that has been known to encourage political violence — especially centered on counter protests against ANTIFA, a left-wing political movement in the United States that aims to achieve their objectives through the use of violence.


Dickinson Police Sgt. Joe Cianni said the investigation team was able to determine the IP address and locate Raymond by tracing the origin of the email that was sent to The Press.


“I think this is an isolated incident and we don’t believe that anyone is in any immediate danger and can safely vote at any of the various polling locations located in Stark County or other jurisdictions within North Dakota and feel safe to be able to cast their vote,” Cianni said. “This should not (prevent) them from feeling safe or casting their vote.”


The investigation is still ongoing as police sift through video surveillance footage, Cianni said, adding that Raymond is facing a C-Felony charge, and the courts will decide how to pursue the matter predicated on Raymond’s criminal record.


“I really don’t know why people do some of the things they do. Some of them have some issues going on in their lives and mental health disabilities. There’s such a variety of things which causes people to commit crimes that I can’t really pin it down,” he said. “… It could be as bad as someone having a bad day and frustrated with what’s been occurring throughout the day or throughout the week.”

Anonymous ID: fed385 Oct. 30, 2020, 6:43 p.m. No.11368169   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8198 >>8222 >>8313 >>8366 >>8385 >>8686


it's a halloween miracle


Donald Trump deserves a second term

(CNN)The case for President Donald Trump is simple: He made the economy work for so many Americans, kept us out of new and costly wars and even brokered peace deals in the Middle East.


He believes our taxes should be lower, not higher – and signed into law sweeping tax relief for businesses and the vast majority of federal income tax filers. He thinks government shouldn't overregulate, rolling back numerous Obama-era overreaches, while working with his Republican allies in Congress.

And despite his relative dovishness, he has invested in our military and in the men and women who wear the uniform. As a result, our enemies know we are more than capable of finishing them. Just ask the former leader of ISIS, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi or former Iranian General Qasem Soleimani.

Beyond that, Trump stands up against the worst impulses of the American left and the radicals who seek to banish from the public square those who dare to think differently. Heck, even the Girl Scouts deleted a tweet congratulating Amy Coney Barrett on her elevation to the Supreme Court because of pressure from the liberal Twitter mob. Is that the kind of American we want, where unhinged progressives can shut down even a simple tweet of congrats to an accomplished female judge?

Whatever problems I have with him and there are more than a few Trump's willingness to stand up to this kind of mob impresses the hell out of me. Standing by Justice Brett Kavanaugh during a tough confirmation fight, for instance, was a particularly proud moment.

Trump is not a perfect person. His personal history, and the way he speaks to and about people can be atrocious. But Trump did become the first sitting president to attend the March for Life Rally this year, where he voiced his unwavering support for "unborn children," who he said "never had a stronger defender in the White House." Whether his views on abortion are pure or transactional, I care not. He stands up for the unborn who can't stand up for themselves – and has appointed judges, like Barrett, who will hopefully do the same.

Elections are choices. Pro-life or pro-choice. Higher taxes or lower taxes. Support free speech or coddle censorship. No politician ever satisfies me fully, but Trump comes far closer than Joe Biden ever could.

There's room for Trump to improve, but in no way does Biden represent a step in a policy direction that I can support as a conservative. He fails the test on virtually every issue I care about, and I expect the United States would move radically left on his watch, especially on abortion.


And for all of the President's missteps, including his rhetorical failures in dealing with coronavirus, this vote is about the next four years. We will likely have a vaccine soon (and in large part thanks to Trump's leadership on Operation Warp Speed), and we will defeat this virus no matter who wins.

So, who can lead us through that day and beyond, restoring the American economy and stopping the radicals from tearing up the American political institutions they find inconvenient?

Donald J. Trump.