This kills muh russia excuse dead.
I swear to god this isn't a shill thing or a concern troll, but what's the plan if Trump loses?
I'm being deadly fucking serious.
That's what I was afraid of. Thanks either way.
God willing. But not having a backup plan is the height of retardation.
way ahead of you.
kek, possibly the only gibs i'd be down for
Yeah, I know, it looks bad. But I'm a techbro, and having backup plans, and backup plans for those backup plans, is literally my day job.
Okay, so maybe it's 3 year delta. And? The wheels of justice grind slowly, but incredibly fine.
Full SHTF mode, it sounds like. Personally, my read on it is that Trump getting 3 SCOTUS picks will severely limit the damage a deranged lib president could do, and all of this continues happening in the background.
As underground as a polynesian gemmatria-based throat-singing forum can be, at least. Places like this will ALWAYS exist.
Court packing isn't a concern if Trump loses but dems don't get a clean sweep, and I believe with all my heart that neither of those things will happen. Enough to wager a substantial amount of money on it.
>mfw they announced the articles after drip dripping for months and all they could come up with was vague shit like "abuse of power" that isn't even an actual crime
>like literally every impeachment in history to that date
I might point you to the story of Job. God will never let his faithful be tested beyond what you can handle.
Unironically thank most of you (minus the shills, you can all DIAF) for keeping this place so relentlessly supportive. The atmosphere helps. Please ignore my earlier posting - again, I wasn't intending to be a concernfag.
So the RCC is obviously comped, but is it a good institution taken over by darkness, or has it always been a den of snakes?
Remember Obama's whole "what magic wand does he have" spiel? Yes, people exist who weren't doing great, but the economy was riding high, most lower-to-middle class people got tax breaks, employment was up, everything.
Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good, anon. Nobody is perfect. Only God. As long as humans govern there will be fuckups and people falling through the cracks.
There was some drama happening here. Q basically told anons to get their shit cleaned up.
If your definition of "not broken" is "lacking any and all pathologies", then a non-broken economy does not, nor has ever, existed on this planet.
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