I think Q put an end to the Battle of Macho Grande earlier anon.
There are plans to utilize Ham Radio in an all-out emergency. All you need to do is find a Hamfag sometime and aks him what the frequency is, because I can't remember it and it's written down somewhere in a notebook I can't find at the moment.
Also I'm pretty high
We don't. Frankly I don't see the point of it, but it's comfy to know it's there.
Trips check't. Linked post NOTABLE
Not my circus, not my clowns anon. Just aware of it's existance.
o7 oldfag.
No duck sauce either.
Dubs chek't. Horror confirmed.
Trips chek't.
Jesus freaks once roamed the land long ago being peaceful and generally groovy.
30 years from now, when you're at the fireside with your grandson on your knee, and he asks what you did during the Second Meme War, you won't have to say, 'well, I reposted Gateway Pundit copy pasta on Gab'.
All right you sons of bitches, you know how I feel.