great bake!
notes looking proper
feeling /comfy/
shill patterns can be interesting
wonders if shills ever go on a tyb'er campaign to astroturf for shills in the kitch
>I called out that it was DSB baking so now they are on off-board /comms/ listening to Karen devise a new plan.
Is a wall oftyb'erlinks a better verification for anon support of current baker
Or are fresh, timestamped baker/anon bewbs a better verification for anon support of current baker?
obviously it is HARDER to astroturf REAL bewbs, amirite?
femanons, looking at you
you pray anon
this is actually a really good simple starting off instruction for any dig
/comms/ faggots have a VERY small meme folder
holy fuck anon
youve done it
you havepositively ID'd a patriot
this place is awesome
"you call the ball, anons!"
in a sense, yes
but be careful about announcing that precedent too loudly
or the shills will shill themselves to look like anons
wouldnt be the first time
fucker just OUTED HIMSELF as someone who doesnt support our founding fathers
these people are LITERALLY retarded
dinner was good
dont understand why posting foudning father quotes = prima facia shill
but I am down to hear the logic