Anonymous ID: 010040 Oct. 30, 2020, 8:50 p.m. No.11369791   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9802 >>9824 >>9836 >>9906 >>9968 >>0002 >>0011


>Could I jump back in and bake or is there some registration/proof system involved?

Anons can bake. What the drama started as with OSS, what, a month ago now?

Right now, if you think /warroom/ will freely hand you the Bake though, would be kekking hard.


These two returned late last bread, nearly at the same time:


>>11369567 (only 2 posts LB)



>So now I'm /warroom/


We'll see Baker.



>barkeep is a gem and if we're voting that anon gets my vote.

Would agree, helped right the ship just in time before Q came back.



>Imposters everywhere.

Was not implying I'm BK. Image was to call attention, from LB's question:

>>11369519 (PB)

Simply a continuity thing.


>hi. Bet you are an imposter.

See answer above. Read more:

>rt BKanon (pic for attention):

Translation: Reply To BarKeep anon (pic used to call attention quickly to post using visual).



>but I dont think current baker on duty is Gerbil

Could be completely wrong, but watching patterns. See post (if it's worth the effort):

>>11369123 (PB)

Believe that's one anon, tracked throughout the day. Same as was frothing at the mouth for the Bake handoff.

Note this pattern with the "handoff" - more like "taking the bake" in #14518:

>>11367167 (PB) TYB!!!

Please don't hand off to: ee881a (current baker)

(Posted 7 seconds after Dough??? Shills are REEing hard over Bread Boss)

>>11367170 (PB)

>>11367270 (PB)


Anon was watching Dough come out of oven, pouncing on it before the peel had even entered the room (7 seconds, KEK).

Also, done [knowing] you'd respect the "first takers" principle, and allow to proceed.


As long as all anons have eyes on, and avoid fuckery, it really doesn't matter who has the peel in their hand at the oven.

Anonymous ID: 010040 Oct. 30, 2020, 8:56 p.m. No.11369873   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9900


>fake fake

Skeered much? Don't like being called out?


What part is fake?

Timing on "Grabbing the Bake"?

Assertion: Posted 7 seconds after Dough???

Dough posted:

10/30/20 (Fri) 20:31:45 2ee59f (8) No.11367167 (PB)

Handoff confirmation requested (next post after dough):

10/30/20 (Fri) 20:31:52 ee881a (27) No.11367170 (PB)

What part of 7 seconds is fake???

Anonymous ID: 010040 Oct. 30, 2020, 9:08 p.m. No.11370014   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>0123 >>0129


>That's oss's pastebin ya numpty. That's why I'm wondering who you really are, mr imagefag.

Ahh, thanks for calling attention to this, that Baker's bin is OSS1:

>And, bakers were proving their worth with screencaps in june of 2019.

Understood. 3rd year here, but just an anon.


So, it would seem OSS is baking, not Gerbil.

Got it, ty all for the clarification.


Cleared up.



>Shame you aren't half as interested in digging into the deepstate as you are trying to gaslight me 24/7.

Just trying to avoid a capsized / rusty ship, as an anon (pic related). I feel no shame.

ty for not splitting the bread, that is over.

Anonymous ID: 010040 Oct. 30, 2020, 9:28 p.m. No.11370266   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


>You have been warned against redpilling those close to you ever since the beginning.


>Ultimately, you don't want to risk personal relationships with family and close friends because they'll need someone to lean on once we really rip off the band-aid.

Didn't heed that one btw, and it cost me dearly before learning (that and not to date-fag, we could still be a year out, though hoping we aren't).


>Speculating about what ID equals what imageboard personality is exactly the reason we're all in this mess.

Tend to agree. Did track OSS accurately, just didn't recognize the foot-prints and got confused around the last bend.


>The Kingdom of God is within (You).

>As above, so below.

>As within, so without.



Followed all of that. Another good NightShift convo.

We are aligned, Based Anon.