Anonymous ID: edd1bf Oct. 30, 2020, 10:56 p.m. No.11371157   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1340 >>1537 >>1733

Report: Second Hunter Biden Laptop Seized by DEA


A second laptop belonging to Hunter Biden, son of former Vice President Joe Biden, was reportedly seized in February during a raid on a psychiatrist by the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). Hunter Biden was reportedly not the target of the raid.


NBC News first reported the best Friday afternoon at the end of an article in which it defended its reporting — or lack thereof — about the emails on an abandoned laptop, which purportedly connect Joe Biden to his son’s businesses.


The first laptop was seized by the Federal Bureau of Investigation in December 2019.


NBC reported on the second:


If [Hunter Biden] did leave the machine in Delaware, it would have marked at least the second time he has left behind a laptop.


According to two people familiar with the matter, a different Hunter Biden laptop landed in the custody of the DEA in February when they executed a search warrant on the Massachusetts office of a psychiatrist accused of professional misconduct. The psychiatrist has not been charged with a crime.


Hunter Biden was not a target of the search or the investigation, and his lawyer ultimately got his laptop back. It’s not clear why his computer was left in the doctor’s office.


The Washington Examiner expanded on NBC’s reporting:


Sources told NBC News that the device belonging to the 50-year-old son of former Vice President Joe Biden, who is now a presidential candidate, was taken into custody by the DEA in February while executing a search warrant in the Massachusetts office of a psychiatrist who was accused of professional misconduct.


That former celebrity psychiatrist, Keith Ablow, saw his license suspended after he faced allegations of sexually exploiting patients and illegally diverting prescription drugs. Ablow has denied the allegations and has not been charged with any crime.


The report from NBC on Friday said Hunter Biden was not a target of the search or the investigation, and his lawyer got the laptop back. It remains unclear why the device was there in the first place.


A lawyer for Hunter Biden did not immediately return a request for comment. The Washington Examiner also reached out to the DEA for comment. Hunter Biden has struggled with substance abuse. He was discharged from the U.S. Navy in 2013 after testing positive for cocaine.


Data and files on the original laptop, left at a repair store in Wilmington, Delaware, purportedly connect Hunter Biden to it.

Anonymous ID: edd1bf Oct. 30, 2020, 10:58 p.m. No.11371175   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1186 >>1330 >>1340 >>1537 >>1733

Another 1-On-1 With Giuliani — After Giving Us The Hard Drive, He’s Now Directly Accusing Biden Of Two Specific Crimes. Do You Believe Him?


Manhattan — Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani says that information contained on a hard drive allegedly belonging to Hunter Biden provides evidence of two potential crimes committed by former Vice President Joe Biden.


Giuliani, President Donald Trump’s personal attorney, made the claim during an exclusive Friday afternoon interview with Daily Caller’s senior White House correspondent Christian Datoc.


Datoc had previously pressed Giuliani to hand over the hard drive so that outside investigators could determine the veracity of his claims. Giuliani had refused to hand over the drive until Wednesday evening.


Datoc stated during Friday’s interview that though certain communications contained on the hard drive had been verified, no direct evidence directly implicating Joe Biden in any lawbreaking had yet surfaced.


Giuliani countered by accusing the Biden family of defrauding their former business partner, Tony Bobulinski, and doing business with Chinese intelligence assets in a manner that gets “pretty close to an espionage charge.”


“They stole from the business. They defrauded Bobulinski and the other partners,” he stated. “They’re doing business with Chinese communist spies, and taking money from Chinese communist spies.”


“I would think even the most ill-informed would figure out taking money from a Chinese communist spy, gee, that could be espionage,” Giuliani continued. “None of the morons in the press pick that up.”


If you hadn’t seen it already, make sure to watch Datoc’s prior interview with Giuliani below.


Here are the highlights:


Though he claimed the information he said he will release in the coming weeks will effectively end Biden’s election chances within 10 days of election day, he would not commit to ever releasing the hard drive in its entirety to be inspected by the media.

Giuliani says the hard drive originally came into his possession after the Mac Shop owner created four copies to distribute to his friends because he feared for his life. He passed along the original, physical hard drive to the FBI, and finally handed over the copy in Giuliani’s possession to Robert Costello, Giuliani’s attorney, months later. He claims the shop owner attempted to give it to other Republican operatives but no one would take it.

Giuliani claims the hard drive corroborates a tip he received from a confidential informant about a secret meeting between Hunter Biden and former Deputy Secretary of State Tony Blinken at the State Department that violates the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA). In total, he claims the hard drive includes “six or seven” FARA violations.

Giuliani claimed that text messages sent by Hunter Biden indicate a “kickback” program where he sent “half of his salary” back to Joe Biden, “which is a Chinese method of corruption.” He did not answer questions about whether there were bank documents or other evidence supporting that claim contained on the hard drive.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Anonymous ID: edd1bf Oct. 30, 2020, 11 p.m. No.11371191   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1340 >>1537 >>1733

Kamala Harris: ‘Joe Biden and I Are About to Work to Get Rid of that Tax Cut’


Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) spoke to Hispanic Americans at a campaign stop in McAllen, Texas, on Friday, telling them that she and former Vice President Joe Biden’s “first order of business” is to get rid of President Trump’s tax cuts.


“I promise you this — as a first order of business, Joe Biden and I are about to work to get rid of that tax cut,” she said to cheers.


"Joe Biden and I are about to work to get rid of that tax cut," Kamala Harris tells Hispanic Americans.


— Trump War Room – Text TRUMP to 88022 (@TrumpWarRoom) October 30, 2020


As Breitbart News’s John Nolte has reported, the Trump tax cuts, known as the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 (TCJA), were a boon for the middle class.


The cuts practically doubled the standard deduction for singles from $6,350 in 2017 to $12,000 in 2018; nearly doubled the standard deduction for married couples from $12,700 to $24,400; and bumped up the child tax credit from $1,000 in 2017 to $2,000 in 2018.


Eliminating the Trump tax cuts would slash those deductions on working people and families almost in half — effectively a huge tax increase, since a married couple will be paying federal taxes on $11,700 in income they weren’t paying under the TCJA. For a tax rate of 20 percent, that would be an annual tax increase of around $2300.


The TCJA also actually raised taxes on the rich by capping the wealthy’s ability to deduct their state and local taxes from reported federal income to just $10,000. Before, the wealthy were able to deduct every penny of their local and state taxes from their federal income. It was an unlimited deduction, so whatever the wealthy paid in local taxes was deducted, and they paid no federal income tax on that amount.


However, Biden and Harris have repeatedly mischaracterized the TCJA as only helping the rich. They have also claimed they would not raise taxes, but their plan to eliminate the TCJA would effectively raise taxes on the middle class.

Anonymous ID: edd1bf Oct. 30, 2020, 11:05 p.m. No.11371232   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1340 >>1449 >>1537 >>1733

Bernie Endorses Pro-Antifa Portland Mayoral Candidate Who Voted for Stalin, Mao, Pol-Pot, Lenin and Castro as Write-In Candidates on Her 2016 Ballot


Comrade Sanders has inserted himself into Portland’s elections, formally endorsing Sarah “I am antifa” Iannarone for Mayor and City Council-person-of-nondescript-gender Chloe Eudaly.


Bernie Sanders is the latest figure endorsing Portland mayoral candidate Sarah Iannarone.


Sanders’ endorsement late Thursday endorsement came the same day Portland City Commissioner Jo Ann Hardesty announced her backing of incumbent Ted Wheeler’s challenger.


The former presidential hopeful and current U.S. senator from Vermont also endorsed Chloe Eudaly in her Portland City Commissioner race against challenger Mingus Mapps in a list of endorsements for “progressive, down-ballot candidates.”


“In every corner of the country, strong progressives are running at the state and local level to represent our movement and lead the fight to transform this country. These races are incredibly important — that’s why I am endorsing progressive, down-ballot candidates across the country. If you can, I hope you’ll cast your ballot for them when you vote,” Sanders’ statement said.



Thank you, Senator Sanders. Bernie sees a progressive running to challenge the status quo, and he wants to help. I am proud to receive his endorsement. I’m excited to work on behalf of the 99% to hold big corporations accountable and to fight for health care for all Portlanders and everyone across the country.


Iannarone, you may recall, has been criticized and mocked for her apparent support of murderous communist dictators.


In fact, her apparent 2016 ballot was rehashed, and you can see she wrote in Joseph Stalin, Vladimir Lenin, Ho Chi Min, Mao Zedong, Fidel Castro, along with extremist black panther and convicted murderer Assata Shakur and Angela Davis, a Shakur sympathizer:



Anonymous ID: edd1bf Oct. 30, 2020, 11:07 p.m. No.11371257   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1280 >>1340 >>1537 >>1733

US Seizes "Largest Ever" Haul Of Iranian Missiles & Oil: 'Enough For A Large Military Force'


On Thursday the United States revealed it had previously seized a major shipment of Iranian missiles bound for Yemen, and separately that it seized and later sold 1.1 million barrels of Iranian fuel bound for Venezuela.


Reports describe the seizer was accomplished by two US warships in regional waters that apprehended a total of 171 guided anti-tank missiles, eight surface-to-air missiles, and associated equipment, according to a statement by Assistant Attorney General for National Security John Demers.


"These actions represent the government’s largest-ever forfeitures actions for fuel and weapons shipments from Iran," the Justice Department said.


Meanwhile Iran and Venezuela have pledged deepening cooperation, while the US has vowed to "destroy" and missiles transferred to the Maduro regime.

Anonymous ID: edd1bf Oct. 30, 2020, 11:15 p.m. No.11371346   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1537 >>1733

Self Appointed “Fact-Checking” Group NewsGuard, Gets Exposed After Trying To Smear Top Conservative Pages On Facebook Before Election


Most fact-checking organizations are bullies, who ignore the lies told by far-left publications like CNN, New York Times, Washington Post, The Atlantic, Buzzfeed, and others while focusing instead on labeling conservative news websites as fake or mostly fake news.


NewsGuard, a relative newcomer in the self-appointed arbiter of truth game, is certainly no exception.


Four days ago, Shayna Elliot of NewsGuard, sent an email to 1oo Percent Fed Up informing us that they were planning to write a report “highlighting social media accounts with high follower counts who have shared what we have found to be voting or election-related misinformation to their large audiences.” As an example of “election-related misinformation,” NewsGuard located ONE article from the website that was posted on the 100 Percent Fed Up Facebook page that they used an example. The article, titled: Critical Swing State of PA: 372,000 Mail-In Ballot Applications Rejected After Discovering 90% Were DUPLICATES, was originally missing the word “Applications.” Once it was brought to our attention, it was immediately corrected.


NewsGuard’s Shayna Elliot wrote to 100 Percent Fed Up on Wednesday:


Your Facebook account (100 Percent Fed Up) is included based on a post* reviewed by NewsGuard which claims “372,000 mail-in ballots rejected” in “critical swing state” Pennsylvania, when in reality 372,000 ballot applications were rejected, a seemingly small but crucial distinction. Voters who were denied a mail-in ballot are still able to vote in person.


If you would like to include an on the record comment, please let me know as soon as possible. We intend to publish our report tomorrow morning, Wednesday, October 28.


100 Percent Fed Up co-owner Patty McMurray responded to Elliot’s email:


Today, only 4 days before the general election, NewsGuard published their ridiculous smear article titled:



Anonymous ID: edd1bf Oct. 30, 2020, 11:24 p.m. No.11371428   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1537 >>1733

West Tennessee Psychiatrist Sentenced for Unlawfully Distributing Opioids

Anonymous ID: edd1bf Oct. 30, 2020, 11:31 p.m. No.11371488   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1535 >>1537 >>1733

Australian MSM


Eight billion humans can't all be wrong, but we do need a civilised discussion on this


Population growth is a big challenge for the planet, but to see human life as a negative is to flip every civilising value on its back.

Anonymous ID: edd1bf Oct. 30, 2020, 11:36 p.m. No.11371527   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1537 >>1733

Dem Senate Candidate Kelly Wanted Ex-Wife Jailed Amid Custody Dispute


Court records contradict autobiographical claims of an ‘amicable’ divorce


Arizona Democratic Senate candidate Mark Kelly made an odd request years after his 2004 divorce: The famed astronaut petitioned a Texas court in 2010 to sentence his ex-wife to 6 months in jail and 10 years of supervised release after she moved to a new town a few miles outside of their children’s school district.


The court records from Galveston County, Texas—which include recriminations from both sides and detail a lengthy custody dispute—show that Kelly claimed his ex-wife Amy’s move was a violation of their custody agreement.


The documents, which include a temporary restraining order issued against Kelly in 2004, appear to contradict his description of the divorce as "amicable" in his 2011 autobiography. The order was never served, according to Kelly's campaign.


The former couple faced off in court a year earlier after Kelly accused his ex-wife of moving to a nearby town in Texas without giving him proper notice.


Kelly, who is locked in a tight Senate race against Republican Martha McSally, said then that his ex-wife violated their custody agreement because her new home was a few miles outside the school district where they had been sending their children, and she had neglected to give him 60 days notice of the move or get his consent. He asked the court to imprison her in the county jail for six months, the maximum penalty for contempt.


Amy Kelly should "be confined in the county jail for 179 days or until [she] complies with the order," Kelly said in the petition. He requested that she "be placed on community supervision for ten years on release from jail" and that she be ordered to pay his attorney’s fees along with "postjudgment interest."

Anonymous ID: edd1bf Oct. 30, 2020, 11:45 p.m. No.11371591   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1733

Maine Dem Refused to Spare Small Businesses From Taxes on COVID Relief


Gideon's failure to reopen legislature could cost businesses $100 million


Democratic Senate candidate Sara Gideon's refusal to reopen the Maine state legislature has stalled efforts to amend the state's tax code to exempt federal COVID business loans from taxation. Without the amendments, small businesses might be forced to pay millions in taxes for participating in the Paycheck Protection Program.


Gideon, the speaker of the Maine House of Representatives, closed the legislature in March due to the pandemic. She has failed for months to work out a deal with the Republican minority to reopen the legislature to amend the tax code. As the law stands, Maine small business owners will have to pay income tax on the portion of their PPP loans that is forgiven, likely squeezing small businesses that are already struggling to stay afloat.


"Congress intended the forgiven loan to be tax-free," Bernstein Shur, a New England-based law firm, wrote in a legal analysis. "But, due to other provisions in federal and state law, a forgiven loan will not be tax-free unless Congress and state legislatures pass new laws."


Gideon did not respond to a request for comment.


The CARES Act, which created the small business relief program, stipulated that forgiven PPP loans will not be considered taxable income by the federal IRS. But since Maine law requires the state legislature to vote every time it wants to update the state's tax code to conform with federal policies, the state's tax code still considers forgiven PPP loans taxable income. California, which has a similar law, has already voted to conform its tax code and exempt PPP loans from taxation, but Maine has yet to take such action.


Republican legislator Amy Arata, who serves on the state's tax committee, said that she and her fellow lawmakers intended to pass bills to exempt forgiven PPP loans from taxation. Gideon has failed to reopen negotiations with the Republican leadership while she has been on the campaign trail, according to Arata. She called on the Democrat to take action to protect Maine businesses.


"The intent is to conform [the state tax code] and one of the conditions we have to go back in the legislature was that we would only address coronavirus-related items," she said. "Sara Gideon has not been communicating with [state house minority leader] Kathleen Dillingham. So I really don't know if she's willing to compromise and bring back the legislature just to address COVID-related items or not."

Anonymous ID: edd1bf Oct. 30, 2020, 11:49 p.m. No.11371606   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1634

Twitter’s censorship ‘poses threat to national security,’ DHS chief says in scathing letter after border official’s account freeze


The head of the DHS has castigated Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey in a withering letter, arguing his platform endangered national security after locking the account of a top border official over a post it alleged to “promote violence.”


The Department of Homeland Security acting chief Chad Wolf penned the letter to Dorsey on Friday, insisting “corporate bureaucrats” should not act as arbiters of truth for the American public, calling Twitter’s move to suspend the handle of Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) executive Mark Morgan “unjustified” and “disturbing.”


“The fact that the tweet was removed and the account locked is startling,” Wolf said. “It is hard to understand how anyone believed Mr. Morgan’s tweet promoted violence, threats or harassment. Especially considering the facts about the border wall system support the tweet.”


There was no reason to remove Mr. Morgan’s tweet from your platform, other than ideological disagreement with the speaker. Such censorship is disturbing. Twitter’s conduct censoring US government officials also endangers the national security.


In the offending post – which has since been reinstated – Morgan said the CBP was continuing to work with the Army Corps of Engineers to construct a wall along the border with Mexico, adding that “every mile” of the barrier “helps us stop gang members, murderers, sexual predators, and drugs from entering our country. It’s a fact, walls work.”


Wolf insisted Morgan’s tweet did not promote violence of any sort and was factually accurate, arguing that the CBP “arrests thousands of violent criminal gang members each year,” rescues young women forced into the sex trade and “intercepts dangerous drugs,” including “enough of the opioid fentanyl to kill every man, woman and child in the United States several times over.”

Anonymous ID: edd1bf Oct. 30, 2020, 11:51 p.m. No.11371619   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Anti-lockdown protesters are becoming ‘TERRORISTS,’ claims head of German state of Thuringia


The ongoing protests against Covid-19 restrictions threaten “internal security,” Thuringia PM Bodo Ramelow told German media, suggesting terrorism and pogroms were taking shape at the hands of a right-wing/‘anti-vaxxer’ alliance.


The massive demonstrations against Berlin’s tightening pandemic control measures are starting to resemble “terrorism,” Ramelow told Tagesspiegel on Thursday, insisting the protests – and the fringe interests they brought together – were “a threat to internal security in our country.”


Ramelow, who is a member of The Left (Die Linke), pointed to a protest in which some marchers carried large photos showing Chancellor Angela Merkel and virologist Dr. Christian Drosten in concentration camp uniforms and chanted for them to be hung from lampposts as evidence the opposition to Merkel’s coronavirus regime was getting out of control.


Especially dangerous has been the way in which the demonstrations bring together far-right “Reichsburgers” (a fringe group of German monarchists) with “lateral thinkers” (Querdenken, a reference to a free-thinker group that has organized numerous protests against lockdowns) and “corona-deniers” with “anti-vaccination activists,” Ramelow continued.


The volatile mixture, he said, was “very dangerous.” He dismissed the notion that Germans would be vaccinated against their will and seemed disturbed that anyone would even consider the idea that Microsoft founder and billionaire vaccine evangelist Bill Gates was “now trying to force-vaccinate us.”


I observe pogrom-like moods in all these networks and conspiracy myths.


In the interview, Ramelow attempted to link last weekend’s arson attack on the Robert Koch Institute, Germany’s federal disease control agency, to the anti-lockdown movement. However, the attackers – who were seen by security guards throwing molotov cocktails at the facility – have not been caught and no evidence has been produced to indicate a political motive. The facility was reportedly targeted with a distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack by hackers several days before the firebombing.


The leftist politician also sought to link the anti-lockdown protesters to a bizarre act of vandalism earlier this month on Berlin’s Museum Island, a crime German media strove to pin on conspiracy theorists and the QAnon movement. Dozens of artworks and artifacts, including a reconstruction of an ancient Greek Pergamon altar, were defaced with an unknown “oily substance.”


Ramelow claimed the beliefs of the anti-lockdown protesters were part of an insidious undercurrent of “irrationalism” which was responsible for wild stories about the island.

Anonymous ID: edd1bf Oct. 31, 2020, midnight No.11371681   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1733 >>1769

Facebook’s ban on New York Post’s Hunter Biden story had NOTHING to do with fact-checkers, report suggests


Fact-checkers appear to have been invoked only as an excuse to shadow-ban the New York Post story about Hunter Biden’s laptop, according to Facebook’s own statement and leaked internal moderation documents.


Earlier this month, the Post obtained a hard drive belonging to the son of the current Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden, and cited emails they found as indication of troubling business deals in Ukraine. Twitter responded by locking their account, but Facebook said it would “temporarily reduce distribution” of it.


According to Andy Stone, Facebook’s policy communications director, the story would have to be looked at by fact-checkers, which was part of a “standard process” to reduce the spread of “misinformation.”


On Friday, however, a Facebook statement seemed to confirm that no such review actually took place.


“As our CEO Mark Zuckerberg testified to Congress earlier this week, we have been on heightened alert because of FBI intelligence about the potential for hack and leak operations meant to spread misinformation,” a company spokesman said in a statement to the Guardian. “Based on that risk, and in line with our existing policies and procedures, we made the decision to temporarily limit the content’s distribution while our fact-checkers had a chance to review it.”


When that didn’t happen, we lifted the demotion.


The spokesman did not clarify whether the fact-checkers even attempted to verify the materials published by the Post, but no results of such a review have ever been published.


Moreover, the Guardian cited internal moderation documents that someone at Facebook leaked to them, indicating that the shadow-ban wasn’t part of a regular process. Instead, the documents purportedly showed the existence of a policy under which stories can be “manually enqueued” for suppression, citing the upcoming US elections as an “issue of importance” that justified such actions.


Who elected these people guardians of what is true?Facebook leak reveals policies on restricting New York Post's Biden story | Technology | The Guardian

— CalThomas (@CalThomas) October 30, 2020


The documents also say that the standard practice is for Facebook AI to predict which content might contain misinformation, based on signals “including feedback from the community and disbelief comments,” in a sort of pre-crime enforcement straight out of dystopian science fiction.


There is also a de facto “whitelist” of some 5,000 media outlets, called the “Alexa 5K,” whose content the AI ignores by default “under the assumption these are unlikely to be spreading misinformation.” The Post was apparently on that list, so the decision to suppress the story was made by actual Facebook employees, not an AI system flagging potential misinformation.