Anonymous ID: d158c6 Oct. 31, 2020, 12:50 a.m. No.11371918   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>1939 >>1943 >>1952 >>1953 >>2218 >>2538

>>11371847 (PB)

>Where have you been able to get old maps without the ice cover? Feel free to drop any links you have!

>I know that there's portals there and probably portals to not so good places…makes sense why so many bad actors go there.


The 500 Year Old MAP That Could REWRITE Human History


•Apr 7, 2017


The Piri Reis Map is argued to be one of the most advanced written ancient maps that was done prior to the 16th Century. The map somehow represented better information on the shape of our planet's continents than what should have been known at the time.

Hi Rez:

Anonymous ID: d158c6 Oct. 31, 2020, 12:55 a.m. No.11371939   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>1948 >>1997 >>2025 >>2207 >>2515


Now it starts to get interesting..


What is the Quatria Theory?

central components of what is known as the Quatria Theory.


Quatria was a global prehistoric seafaring civilization.

Quatrian civilization existed millions of years ago.

Quatrians had colonies around the world in far flung locations.

Their fleet consisted of reed boats capable of withstanding voyages over the high seas.

Like their boats, all Quatrian cultural artifacts were made of organic materials that have long since deteriorated.

The Quatrian capital was located in Antarctica, back when the continent was tropical.

The Piri Reis map and several other very old maps depict Quatria.

Quatrian civilization was destroyed over the course of hundreds of years by a series of ecological disasters, including volcanic eruptions, massive flooding, and asteroid impacts.

As coastlines have risen, the remnants of almost all the other ancient Quatrian settlements are now underwater. Those that remain will be revealed as the ice in Antarctica melts.

Evidence of the existence of this civilisation has been systematically destroyed by authorities for millenia, because they view this secret history as a threat to their power.


The nature of existence is music


The central premise of Quatrian myth seems to be that the nature of existence is music. That is, there are fundamental tonal components within the hyper-patterns of cosmic reality which shimmer and shift and ever recompose themselves into never-ending rhythms, melodies, harmonies, and discordant crescendos.


It seems to be the same secret of the psychonaut, temporarily attuned to nearby frequencies appearing as perceptible shapes in the darkness, spinning and weaving themselves together out of preality into almost-tangible moments, under the direction of some kind of will, whose locus is both mine and other, inward and outward. …

Anonymous ID: d158c6 Oct. 31, 2020, 1:02 a.m. No.11371968   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>1976 >>2378


Yes, mineral oil great for boards.

Also use on wooden spoons / utensils used for cooking.



>Add some clove oil and you have Choji oil.

Interesting, never heard before.

Wow, very helpful!!

Choji oil is a traditional Japanese blade preserving compound. It is used in the maintenance of high quality collectible blades. It contains clove oil extract and mineral oil, usually at a ratio of 1:10 to 1:100.


Will start using on my pocket blades, and every day carry knife, as often use for cutting food.

Anonymous ID: d158c6 Oct. 31, 2020, 1:05 a.m. No.11371987   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2009 >>2018


>Yeah, that's the new Flat Earth. FE is so ridiculous that everyone knew they weren't serious. But EU is a more perfect troll because it's just stupidity enough

Sorry anon, there is much truth to EU theory. Part of the puzzle. Plasma..


Oh, reminds of how POTUS says PLAAHZMAH, remember that? Kek.

Anonymous ID: d158c6 Oct. 31, 2020, 1:10 a.m. No.11372014   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2076 >>2132


I just made a nice skin oil. Mostly Jojoba and Almond oil base, then Calendula oil, and others.

Made for a friend who had a decent Road Rash, which is healing nicely (helped w/ that as well, preventing infection).

This is to help heal and prevent scarring.


Here's a snippet of notes, there are other ingredients not listed, if you're curious can post more.

Essential Oils – Skin care and healing


Frankincense essential oil

Frankincense essential oil helps to:

• soothe skin

• even out skin tone

• kill bacteria


Geranium essential oil

Geranium oil is useful in treating scars by:

• relieving inflammation

• evening out skin tone

• encouraging new cell growth


Lavender essential oil

Lavender essential oil may help to prevent scarring by promoting cell and tissue growth. It has antibiotic, antioxidant, and antiseptic properties.

According to a 2016 studyTrusted Source, lavender oil demonstrates wound-healing activity and shows potential for use as a natural treatment to help repair damaged skin tissues.

Another 2016 study found that lavender essential oil promotes wound healing by increasing collagen and regenerating tissue, especially in the early phase of treatment. Topical application of lavender oil helped to speed up wound closure and promoted wound shrinking.


Vitamin E oil

Vitamin E oil may prevent scarring by helping your skin to retain moisture while boosting collagen production. It also helps to protect your skin from damage caused by free radicals.

Research demonstrating the effectiveness of vitamin E oil in treating scars has been mixed. A few studies have shown it to significantly improve the cosmetic appearance of scars. Additional research is needed.

Almond oil

Almond oil has numerous benefits to the skin and may help to reduce the appearance of scars. Almond oil contains vitamin E, which helps hydrate, soothe, and moisturize dry or damaged skin.

There’s some evidence that almond oil can:

• rejuvenate the skin

• improve complexion

• even out skin tone

It also has anti-inflammatory properties that help skin to heal. More research is needed to understand its potential in healing scars. It has been found to reduce the formation of stretch marks and reduce itching.


Coconut oil

Coconut oil contains fatty acids and micronutrients that may help to reverse skin damage, heal skin disorders, and moisturize. It’s a highly respected moisturizer.

Its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties help to prevent and heal skin conditions. Coconut oil may also:

• increase collagen production

• help the skin to retain moisture

• soften the skin

Research published in 2010 found that topical application of coconut oil on wounds in rats had a positive effect on the healing process. This was due in part to its antioxidant activity and effect on collagen production.


Frankincense Oil 


Patchouli Oil

Patchouli essential oil is loved by many for its mood-boosting earthy scent, but it also can improve skin health too. It’s commonly used for scars and a wide variety of skin problems such as acne, eczema, inflamed, cracked, chapped and irritated skin. It’s known to help in the stimulation of new skin cell growth. For wound healing, it can promote faster healing and help to prevent unsightly scarring once the wound has healed. (11)

Patchouli oil also has impressive antibacterial ability — another great reason it can be so helpful to the skin! (12)



Everyone knows ylang ylang to be an aphrodisiac aroma. It is well-known beauty oil and is widely used in many skincare products. This essential oil has a beautiful fragrance that naturally catches your attention. It also protects your skin from acne-causing bacteria and breakouts. Ylang ylang essential oil also works wonder in maintaining the oil production, regenerates the tissues and cells, and reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. The best thing about this oil is that it suits almost all skin types. Check out 6 Benefits of Ylang Ylang for Skin Care


This essential oil acts as a natural astringent and antiseptic due to its numerous healing properties. It is also the best skin remedy for all those individuals who have acne-prone or oily skin. However, those that have normal to dry skin can also use lemon essential oil to heal their skin naturally. Read more: How to Use Lemon Essential Oil


Carrot seed is a wonderful oil to use on your skin due to its rich rejuvenating properties. It promotes the cell regeneration and helps you get softer and younger looking skin. This antioxidant rich oil also works effectively in fading scars and improves the skin tone. So next time you face any skin trouble, make sure you use carrot seed essential oils for healing your skin.

Anonymous ID: d158c6 Oct. 31, 2020, 1:21 a.m. No.11372079   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2108


>Lower ocean levels come to mind.

Wonder if with global warming, not only do the Ice Caps melt, but with a slightly warmer planet, the atmosphere can hold more moisture, therefore actually LOWERING sea levels overall.


^^ Just spitballing, but can imagine something along these lines, even though seems counterintuitive at first. A higher overall humidity - not in mood to calculate it out rn though..


The earth used to be much warmer. Love the work by Randall Carlson.

He blends in well with Graham Hitchcock:

Joe Rogan Experience #872 - Graham Hancock & Randall Carlson

8,870,083 views•Nov 16, 2016

Graham Hancock is an English author and journalist, well known for books such as "Fingerprints Of The Gods" & his latest book "Magicians of the Gods" is available now. Randall Carlson is a master builder and architectural designer, teacher, geometrician, geomythologist, geological explorer and renegade scholar.


Can search for some of his others.

Randall has some good info on the Younger Dryas Period (12K years ago, much colder time if I recall).

Anonymous ID: d158c6 Oct. 31, 2020, 1:36 a.m. No.11372177   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2183



And this may be of some interest, and anti-fungal mix, with DMSO for penetration (do your own research, not a Doctor!) Sorry, formatting wonky.


Anti-fungal (Penetrating) Blend


333 Total Drops

54% Essential Oils (rest "carrier" oils)

Essential Oils







Oregano EO




Tea Tree EO




Lemon EO




White Thyme EO




Lavendar EO




Peppermint EO




Lemongrass EO




Cypress EO




Red Thyme EO




Rosemanry EO




Clove Essential Oil




Eucalyptus Globulus EO




Eucalyptus Radiata EO




Rosemary Essential Oil



Carriers / Other oils:



Argan Oil








Rose Hip Seed Oil




Neem Seed Oil




Calendula Oil




Vitamin E


Here's my Thieves mix (120 drops total):

Ingredient Drops %

Clove Essential Oil 40 33.3%

Lemon Essential Oil 35 29.2%

Cinnamon Bark Essential Oil 20 16.7%

Eucalyptus Essential Oil 15 12.5%

Rosemary Essential Oil 10 8.3%

Anonymous ID: d158c6 Oct. 31, 2020, 1:40 a.m. No.11372195   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2210 >>2241


>Turpentine is too

Yes, good to mention.

ty for: Dr. Jennifer Daniels for more

Will check out!


I actually have some Castor Oil sitting on desk, and also bottle of Black Castor Oil.

Have a small mole and been meaning to start using, understand it can wipe them away over time.


Kek, reminds me of the Borax discussion the other night. Good stuff!

Anonymous ID: d158c6 Oct. 31, 2020, 2:05 a.m. No.11372321   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2469



ty anon, saving that.



Well I'll be damned, had Lyme (spirochetes actually) in mind, and going to the link, see:

Turpentine Therapy (pure gum, pine tree) release cancer, lyme, disease, etc

Saved the PDF, tyvm!


Now, just need to get me some HCQ!

Want it sold OTC!

Also good for spirochetal diseases.


Digging just quickly:

Turpentine was supposed to be good for lungs and chest ailments.


Turpentine was a common medicine among seamen during the Age of Discovery. It is one of several products carried aboard Ferdinand Magellan's fleet in his first circumnavigation of the globe,[10].Taken internally it has been used as a treatment for intestinal parasites, and candida because of its antiseptic properties


well fvck me: researching, and Jennifer Daniel's comes up in discussion. Quite a conjunction!


She says that one of the very old treatments for syphilis spirochetes was 100% pure gum spirits of turpentine.


Some weeks ago I was listening to one of Dr. Jennifer Daniels podcasts about the subject of spirochetes and lyme disease. She takes some getting used to, she's not a very conventional doctor, although she had her own private clinic for around ten years. Dr. Daniels graduated with honors from Harvard, then got an MBA in Health Care Administration at Wharton at the same time she was getting an MD degree at U of Pa.


She says that one of the very old treatments for syphilis spirochetes was 100% pure gum spirits of turpentine. Apparently it's effective for syphillis and works the same for lyme disease. She also recommends turpentine for a long laundry list of serious ailments, one serious disease it will treat effectively is Candida overgrowth in the intestines. I've so far consumed around 6 ounces of the stuff with nothing but positive effects. Use only the 100% pure gum spirits - nothing else. I get the Diamond G Forest Products brand via ebay. Turpentine used to be quite common in medicine cabinets up until the mid 40's when the pill industry began. It was commonly used to treat bad colds and other common maladies. It's powerful stuff, the standard dose for one day is a teaspoon soaked into some sugar cubes. The label they put on turpentine scares hell out of everybody, so you'll be pretty nervous about that very first teaspoon. Once you get over that hump it's a piece of cake when you do it the next week. Well, not quite, the stuff sure don't taste like cake. Take no more than two teaspoons a week generally for a maintenance dose. For treating a specific disease, the dose can be more. Seriously negative effects begin at around 6 teaspoons taken at one time. From what I've read so far, there has been a recorded fatality for turpentine overdose, and that's when a child got into some turpentine and ingested a couple ounces of the stuff. It's a powerful solvent and that's why it's still in use as a paint thinner and cleaning agent.


Anonymous ID: d158c6 Oct. 31, 2020, 2:31 a.m. No.11372477   🗄️.is đź”—kun


A most interesting tale (or tail), ty for sharing.


The Quatrian's were a seafaring people, so that fits as well.


Perhaps related to the Elymians.

-Would need to compare architecture.

  • See this in Italy.


There are also Pyramids in Italy.


Going to have to put a visit to Sicily on the travel list. Been too long since visiting Italy.

Anonymous ID: d158c6 Oct. 31, 2020, 2:44 a.m. No.11372522   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2529 >>2573


>Lyme is linked to mycoplasma.

And even more so, it's a "Spirochetal Disease".


>Lyme is linked to mycoplasma.

And even more so, it's a "Spirochetal Disease".

As is gum disease (Oral Spirochetes), Syphilis (another spirochetal disease), etc.


The spirochetes have two forms, the spirals and the "string of pearls" form (very resistant to attack, such as antibiotics, hardy, etc.)

They work well in biofilms. Such as in arteries, causing heart disease.


They are myelin loving creatures (the lipid coating on neurons, etc).

They migrate to areas of the body that are not readily attacked by your immune system (such as the joints, why a rheumatoid disease).


I have Oral Spirochetes (visually verified using Darkfield Microscopy). Have kept at bay and knocked way back, but not sure they're ever eliminated. Why jumped on this new info.

MANY people have them and don't know it, quite common.


Japanese Knotweed is superb for attacking spirochetes (the Resveratrol in it). It's also in Grapes, so therefore Red Wine. Suspected reason a glass of red wine on regular basis is good for reducing heart disease.


As is gum disease (Oral Spirochetes), Syphilis (another spirochetal disease), etc.


The spirochetes have two forms, the spiral corkscrew, s and the "string of pearls" form (very resistant to attack, such as antibiotics, hardy, etc.)

They work well in biofilms. Such as in arteries, causing heart disease.


They are myelin loving creatures (the lipid coating on neurons, etc).

They migrate to areas of the body that are not readily attacked by your immune system (such as the joints, why Lyme is a rheumatoid disease).


I have Oral Spirochetes (visually verified using Darkfield Microscopy). Have kept at bay and knocked way back, but not sure they're ever eliminated? Why jumped on this new info.

MANY people have them and don't know it, quite common.


Japanese Knotweed is superb for attacking spirochetes (the Resveratrol in it). It's also in Grapes, so therefore Red Wine. Suspected reason a glass of red wine on regular basis is good for reducing heart disease.


> germ theory

Much to dig there. The other view is the body "terrain". The buggers are already in us, and when terrain goes south, they emerge and attack.

Likely a mix of the two (exogenous, external to the body as well).

Some buggers are passed to children in the womb, so with you from the start, generation after generation.


Until we are finally healed. By the right resonant energy, that kills them with a Mortal Oscillating Frequency.

Some day!!

Anonymous ID: d158c6 Oct. 31, 2020, 2:55 a.m. No.11372568   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2571 >>2581



Ah, I see anon:

Mycoplasma is a common Lyme coinfection (75% or more of Lyme disease cases). Mycoplasma is known to be carried and spread by ticks, but it is also possible that mycoplasma is already present in the body when a tick bite carrying borrelia occurs.


Likely linked to biofilms as well.

There are good biofilm busters: Nattokinase, Lumbrokinase (from earthworms in Traditional chinese medicine).

Also, the sweetener Xylitol is a good biofilm buster (why good in toothpaste mixes, for gums and plaque).