Anonymous ID: ff39d9 Oct. 31, 2020, 2:51 a.m. No.11372552   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Abortion & The 4th Reich

(A War is a Brewing)


In the coming months and years in the near future the time of Roe v Wade shall draw neigh. The murderous act of Abortion has run it's deadly course. Millions of Babies have been killed in the unholy names of Ba'Al and Moloch aka Lucifer Satan the devil. The Courts, the Supreme Court must atone for its Sinful ways of condoning this evil act. The Church shall atone for its Sinful act of silence due in part in a tax favor. The Legislative Bodies across America are not left out nor blameless in this Criminal Conspiracy against the Almighty God. There shall be a time, not in the coming weeks, months, but in the next year or two. Both Governments across America and the Churches (Protestant & Catholic) shall repent for remaining silent and they all shall bow on bent knee seeking forgiveness. Governments shall do the same and enact legislation to correct this evil committed.

However, there's an Enemy of Evil preparing to rear its ugly evil head in defiance of this Holy Act of Repentance and Atonement of Sin. This Evil Enemy has many faces, ugly faces. These Evil Faces come int form of Lawyers and Organizations like Planned Parenthood, ACLU, SPLC, Lawfare, and others, including the ABA-BAR to which will have an Internal Civil War between themselves. Yes, the righteous within the ABA-BAR will renounce their Memberships and join the ARMY OF GOD ALMIGHTY.

This where and when the BATTLE OF ALL BATTLES shall commence. The Battle field is and will be the Supreme Court. The Evil Enemy is The 4th Reich of Lucifer Satan the devil. Planned Parenthood has been the Slaughterhouse for the Demons of Hell. preparations of security in the streets of major metropolitan cities must be made. State Governors and Mayors, Sheriffs must be at the ready. The 4th Reich already has its Evil Forces on the streets nw. Those Evil Forces are Antifa and BLM, they will be joined by others. There will be blood in the streets. Sorry, but that's going to be a reality. President Trump and the Republicans must be ready with this much needed Congressional Legislation come January into February, no later than March. For a moment in the history of 2021 will be terrible. BUT, BUT, BUT, through Prayer we can call on the Forces of Heaven for assistance. They are standing by. This time will be one of a huge turning-point in our Nation's History. The entire world will be watching us here in these United States of America. This all will lead to a second Reformation in Europe. The Western Hemisphere will not be left out in this second Reformation of the Church. All Governments shall be effected greatly by not only by the Evils of Abortion being banished but the Reformation of the Churches. Yes, Catholicism and the Vatican are going to suffer great pains through humility in their repentance of sin against God Almighty & Jesus Christ.

OH, Ole Luci-fer, you thought I forgot about you. HAH! HAHA! Time's drawing to a close on your Evil Sinister Operations of Death. Your 4th Reich, Antifa, BLM, and others will suffer immense pain and destruction. For those who seek LIFE within it's not too late, yet. Come out of that. BUT, if you reject this time of opportunity for Salvation; better be ready for what's to come.

The 4th Reich hates everything to do with God, Jesus, and The Holy Bible. They seek to remove Christianity from the face of this Earth. God say, NAY. After the defeat of The 4th Reich and the sub-forces, there will be Light and Life from Almighty God and Jesus that shall shine upon all mankind. Even China will be forced to obey God for the first time and stop their Evils. Islam will grind to a halt and many upon many shall come to Jesus for Salvation.

True Freedom and Liberty shall rule and reign.

Get ready. The Battle is about to begin.

Are you ready Fellow Believers and Patriots?