Each party chooses its own slate of electors. Assuming Trump wins a state, if there is anti-Trump fuckery, it will be from electors pledged to vote for the GOP nominee.
What you are seeing is what the court ordered. Law does not use dictionary definitions, it uses the same words but with new "legal" meaning. Plus, DC Circuit said "appropriate" dispatch.
If the DC Circuit is not happy, it has a pen and phone. It already knows the position of the government and Flynn, and has fully weighed that.
Courts have the power to hold political prisoners, and it is legal. Of course they will say all is fine, every court in every banana republic defends its integrity and claims to be impartial, following the law, and so forth.
Their claims are as credible as the press saying it is impartial.
There is no gag order.
I think Sullivan will sentence Flynn. He will deny the government motion to dismiss. Might as well make "new law" in case Trump wins re-election. Who know who else the courts will need to take out of action.
I do not believe a majority of the DC Circuit is annoyed. I believe they are of like mind with Gleeson and the Lawfare group. Partisan hacks. the courts are FULL of them.
Depends on what you mean by "real" winner.
The lying press declares the loser to be the winner. Half the country will believe it. Which is the real winner?
Actual action is official documents transmitted by states to Washington DC. Press can report something other than what those documents say, and most of the public would be none the wiser. The mission would be to keep the public in a restive state, reality notwithstanding. Same mission the press always has when society is not embracing the narrative.
Each state has government offices that post their returns and preliminary results. Official results ALWAYS follow days later. See election statutes (vary by state, but lots of similarity).
NYT usually tracks failthfully to state government official returns. Try to keep calm. Don't let worry disrupt your reasoning power.
No need for a pardon in the long run. And if there is, better to allow more of the courts to step in it first.
DEMs will advance any story line that they hallucinate is persuasive. Census could be one of those, but I don't see it being a major thrust. Marbles seem to be mostly on the COVID scam.
Easy to see 80mm voted. That's more than usual, but not THAT much more. Consider the COVID lines on election day, many people who usually don't vote early, did vote early.
Hell, FBI jobbed out the political spying to private contractors, might as well job out a system redesign.
As if rules and systems provide any regulation against determined crooks. This will be a cherry job handed out to a friend or family member.. Millions more wasted dollars on a boondogle secret court that has no function other than to hide government snooping and create a false impression that somehow the government regulates itself.
Not 28 USC 45.2
It's 28 CFR 45.2
What's the diff? USCode is law passed by Congress.
Code of Federal Regulations is crap passed by administrative agency.
Literally satanic. Working for souls.