>Cross us, and you would be better off being perpetually sodomized by a badger on angel dust,
Careful. Some of them may like this part.
>Cross us, and you would be better off being perpetually sodomized by a badger on angel dust,
Careful. Some of them may like this part.
Who knows. Has CA ever had an honest election with no fraud. Probable not. What if they did. Even Beverly Hills has been having Trump street rallies.
Looks like a used car lot with more cars than people. For crazy Joe this is big stuff.
The comparison of the United States to Eastern European countries and the former Soviet Union isn't even close. And states seceding from the Union? Doubtful.
Does that mean you win 1,125?
I think you tagged the wrong post?
We I asked a question on betting odds. You must be on an acid trip.