Anonymous ID: 75379e Oct. 31, 2020, 10:49 a.m. No.11376501   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6709 >>6830 >>6892 >>7045 >>7213

Grand Jury Finds Prima Facie Evidence of Pandemic Fraud


On Thursday 07 May 2020, a Sovereign Grand Jury was convened in a virtual and secure session in the British Isles, under the protection of the Treaty of Universal Community Trust, to consider allegations in relation to the Coronavirus pandemic.


The jury was asked to rule on whether there was sufficient evidence of pandemic fraud, upon the evidence submitted into the public domain by numerous doctors, experts and eye witnesses, to justify a formal Grand Jury investigation.


There now follows a summary of the allegations presented.

Legal Definitions


FRAUD – A false representation of a matter of fact—whether by words or by conduct, by false or misleading allegations, or by concealment of what should have been disclosed—that deceives and is intended to deceive another so that the individual will act upon it to her or his legal injury.


CORONAVIRUS – Any of a family of single-stranded RNA viruses that infect mammals and birds, causing respiratory infections such as the common cold and SARS in humans, and that have spikes of glycoproteins projecting from the viral envelope.


PANDEMIC – 1. Widespread; general.

  1. Medicine Epidemic over a wide geographic area and affecting a large proportion of the population



In January 2020, the UK government classified the COVID-19 strain of Coronavirus as a High Consequence Infectious Disease [HCID], following a worldwide panic over an alleged pandemic which originated in Wuhan, China.


Then on 16/03/2020, Neil Ferguson of Imperial College London claimed that 500,000 British people would be killed by COVID-19, based upon the Bill Gates financed university’s predictive computer model, in the event Brits just carried on as normal.


However, on 19/03/2020, COVID-19 was reclassified by the UK government from being a serious public health risk to an easily manageable one, only two months after being declared a High Consequence Infectious Disease.

Locked Down


Nevertheless, on 23/03/2020, the UK government imposed a voluntary indefinite domestic prison sentence upon the population of Britain, in the name of keeping people safe and protecting the allegedly over-stretched National Heath Service.


Two days later, on 25/03/2020, the Coronavirus Act 2020 was rushed through Parliament, on the alleged ground that the country was in grave danger from a viral pandemic, which the government had already reclassified on 19/03/2020, from being considered a serious threat to being no more threatening than a common cold or influenza.

Anonymous ID: 75379e Oct. 31, 2020, 10:53 a.m. No.11376539   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6709 >>6830 >>6892 >>7045 >>7213

DoJ fights 'last minute delay' in extradition of former Green Beret and his son to Japan after they 'helped smuggle Nissan boss Carlos Ghosn out of the country in custom-made speaker box'


The US Department of Justice has urged a judge to deny a last-minute bid to block the extradition of two American men who are wanted in Japan for helping former Nissan Motors boss Carlos Ghosn sneak out of the country in a box.


Michael Taylor, 60, and his son, Peter, 27, allegedly helped facilitate Ghosn's brazen escape from Japan last December. At the time, Ghosn was being held under house arrest in Tokyo while facing criminal charges of underreporting $80 million in earnings.


The Taylors were arrested over their purported involvement in Ghosn's escape back in May, and are being held in a Massachusetts prison. The Japanese government is hoping to prosecute the pair and is seeking their extradition.


On Thursday, the Taylors received a last-minute glimmer of hope that they would not be sent to Japan when a US District Judge granted a request to delay their transfer shortly before they were set to be placed on a flight to Tokyo.


But on Friday, DoJ Attorney Stephen Hassink described the Taylors' 'eleventh-hour bid to thwart their extradition' as 'meritless,' and asked the judge to allow the father and son to be handed over to Japan.

Anonymous ID: 75379e Oct. 31, 2020, 10:55 a.m. No.11376565   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6709 >>6830 >>6867 >>6892 >>6971 >>7045 >>7136 >>7173 >>7213 >>7250

Vatican Cardinal Calls for Battle Against ‘Monstrous’ Islamism


ROME — Vatican Cardinal Robert Sarah denounced Islamism Thursday following a lethal terror attack in a French church, calling it a “monstrous fanaticism.”


“Islamism is a monstrous fanaticism which must be battled with force and determination,” wrote the Guinean cardinal, who leads the Vatican Congregation for Divine Worship, invoking his own experience as an African.


“It will not stop its war. Unfortunately, we Africans know this only too well,” the cardinal wrote on Twitter. “The barbarians are always the enemies of peace.”


“The West, today France, must understand this. Let us pray,” he said.


France Shuts Paris Mosque that Shared Fatwa Call Against Beheaded Teacher


— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) October 20, 2020


On Thursday morning, a Muslim man entered the Notre Dame Basilica in Nice armed with a knife, and proceeded to kill three people, including the church sacristan. Shouting “Allahu akbar” as he attacked his victims, the assailant was eventually apprehended by French police and is now in the hospital with gunshot wounds sustained during the encounter.

France’s national antiterrorist prosecution announced the opening of an investigation for “assassination and attempted assassination in connection with a terrorist enterprise” and “criminal terrorist association,” French media reported.


The mayor of Nice, Christian Estrosi, wrote on Twitter that all indications are that the incident was, in fact, a terrorist attack.


For his part, Pope Francis also expressed his closeness to the Catholic community of Nice, joining “in mourning after the attack which sowed death in a place of prayer and consolation.”


“I pray for the victims, for their families and for the beloved French people, so that they can respond to evil with good,” he also wrote on Twitter.


On Thursday, the pontiff sent a telegram to the Catholic bishop of Nice, saying he condemned “in the most forceful way such violent acts of terror.”


Cabal pushing Albert Pike's version of WW3 big time: ""The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the "agentur" of the "Illuminati" between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other……."

Anonymous ID: 75379e Oct. 31, 2020, 10:59 a.m. No.11376600   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6709 >>6830 >>6892 >>6984 >>7045 >>7213

BLM’s Connection to Obama’s Rev Wright: “There will be no peace in America until whites begin to hate their whiteness”


To know where we are today, it’s important to go back and see where everything began and who the players are. The Black Lives Matter movement and all of the factions that formed the movement are a danger to America. Barack Hussein Obama sat in a church that preaches Black Liberation Theology…more on this below.


“There will be no peace in America until whites begin to hate their whiteness” -Reverend Jeremiah Wright, Barack Hussein Obama’s pastor for over 20 years


When the organization known as Black Lives Matter (BLM) was first formed right after George Zimmerman’s acquittal in the death of Trayvon Martin on July 13, 2013, most overlooked the true intentions of the group beyond their calls for “justice.” Fast forward to today, and it can no longer be overlooked that their calls for justice now result in retaliatory violence against those whom they believe are the oppressors, namely those being white people in general and police officers specifically. By tracing the origins of the organization back to its philosophical formation in the 1960s, we can begin to see how BLM is rooted in the radical ideological beliefs espoused by none other than President Barack Obama.


Before we get to that point, though, it is crucial for us to understand that BLM was founded by three militant feminists named Alicia Garza, Patrisse Cullors, and Opel Tometi. Cullors, pictured below in the center, recently said that the members of BLM are “trained Marxists,” which fits with what is written below.


This is not about black lives but is about transforming America via redistribution of wealth.



Anonymous ID: 75379e Oct. 31, 2020, 11:01 a.m. No.11376628   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6709 >>6830 >>6892 >>7045 >>7213

【9】More Biden Hard Drive Disclosure! Hunter Biden’s Email Concerning Former Ukrainian President!


The video link:


Dear brothers-in-arms! Everyone’s attention must have been attracted by the videos and photos exposed over the past few days. Now, the brainstorming time is coming! Are you ready? What follows are evidences as solid as gravity, showing what harms and threats the Chinese and American kleptocrats are imposing to the whole of mankind and disclosing their ignorance to law and order, total humiliations to females, and their complete loss of humanity.


In fact, most videos on the hard drives are extremely sensitive and extremely inhumane, with extremely cruel pictures that cannot be broadcasted, so they will be processed later.


Now presented are the ironclad facts of the collusion between Burisma and Hunter Biden and the CCP, including the exchanges of documents and email message, and the interaction of the people involved! We hope brothers-in-arms around the world will take a look. If such things are not exposed, mankind will go into utter darkness all around!


【9】More Biden Hard Drive Disclosure! Hunter Biden’s Email Concerning Former Ukrainian President!_PDF

Anonymous ID: 75379e Oct. 31, 2020, 11:01 a.m. No.11376640   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6649 >>6664 >>6709 >>6830 >>6892 >>7011 >>7045 >>7129 >>7213

Most employers issue only paychecks every two weeks. In the meantime, payroll processors like ADP make millions from investing worker salaries before they’re paid.


There are efforts to use technology to shorten the gap between someone working and getting paid. To learn more, check out two pieces (first, second) that NPR ran on this topic last year.


I found the numbers in ADP’s quarterly reports. The date reflects the total amount ADP made in the quarter that ended on the given date. I made the chart in R. I pasted my source code as a subcomment below.

Anonymous ID: 75379e Oct. 31, 2020, 11:03 a.m. No.11376665   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6707 >>6709 >>6753 >>6830 >>6892 >>7045 >>7213

Married Kentucky teacher, 36, 'sexually abused her 13-year-old student and gave him an iPad to send explicit photos of himself to her'


A married Kentucky teacher has been arrested and is facing 15 criminal charges related to sex crimes involving a 13-year-old student.


Micca Watts-Gordon, 36, worked at W.E.B. DuBois Academy, an all-boys middle school in Louisville, where she allegedly struck up the relationship with the boy.


She was reassigned in November 2019 to non-instructional duties in the Jefferson County Public Schools district after the allegations came to light.


On Tuesday, after a nearly year-long investigation by the Louisville Metro Police, Watts-Gordon was indicted on nine felonies and six misdemeanors.


These include sending nude photos to a 13-year-old boy, masturbating in front of him and having sex with him, according to WDRB.


If convicted of the Class B felonies, she could be facing up to 20 years in prison.


Watts-Gordon was hired as an art teacher at W.E.B. DuBois Academy and began teaching in August 2019.


According to court documents obtained by the Louisville Courier Journal, she began a sexually abusive relationship with a 13-year-old student.


The records allege that over a four month period - from August 25, 2019, to November 19, 2019 - she masturbated near the teenager or while messaging or calling him.


Watts-Gordon also allegedly sent him nude photos and gave him an iPad so he could send explicit photos of himself to her.


Charges against her include:


Six counts of first-degree sexual abuse

Four counts of distribution of obscene matter to a minor

Two counts of criminal attempted third-degree sodomy

One count of using a minor in a sex performance

One count of first-degree unlawful transaction with a minor

One count of tampering with evidence

Anonymous ID: 75379e Oct. 31, 2020, 11:06 a.m. No.11376688   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6709 >>6830 >>6892 >>7006 >>7045 >>7213

Drug cartels control more than 20% of Mexico according to classified CIA study, as homicides surge to highest levels for 30 years


More than 20% of Mexico's territory - as many as 151,689 square miles - is under the control of the country's powerful drug cartels, according to a classified CIA report from 2018.


The revelation comes as homicides in the country have surged to their highest levels for decades, amid bloody turf wars between rival crime groups that smuggle narcotics across the southern United States border for distribution in American cities.


The secret study by the Central Intelligence Agency was compiled before current Mexico President Andrés Manuel López Obrador entered office in December 2018, and has not been made public.


But details were revealed by several current and former officials, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to the Washington Post as part of a report on the spiraling problem of organized crime in the country.


Mexico's Secretariat of Security and Civilian Protection were quick to fire back at the report, posting a series of tweets and insisting López Obrador's newly created military National Guard has restored order.


According to the Post, Mexican officials say there are at least 19 major criminal organizations with significant influence, including the Jalisco New Generation Cartel, the Gulf Cartel, and the Sinaloa Cartel. These organizations not only have a national reach also control drug markets across the world.


Meanwhile the International Crisis Group has identified at least 198 criminal factions, including gangs and regional organizations, many of which are connected to the larger cartels, the Post explains.


But the number of factions could be as high as 231 according to Eduardo Guerrero, director for Lantia Consultores, a public policies consulting firm.


Guerrero told the post that these smaller players may lack infrastructure to export drugs, but are involved kidnapping, extortion, stealing fuel and selling drugs.


The bigger cartels also exert their influence on territory under their control in order to gain resources and finance their huge private paramilitaries.


'They don’t just want territorial control to move drugs, but to extract resources from the population,' Ricardo Márquez, a former top Mexican security official, told the Post.


Hundreds of thousands are believed to have fled their homes to escape violence in cartel-controlled areas.

Anonymous ID: 75379e Oct. 31, 2020, 11:07 a.m. No.11376700   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6709 >>6830 >>6892 >>6959 >>7021 >>7045 >>7163 >>7213

Some 50 Young People With Turkish Background Rampage in Catholic Church in Vienna – Reports


Some 50 young people with a Turkish background have rushed into the St Anthony of Padua Church in the Austrian capital of Vienna and staged a rampage there, Austrian media reported.


According to the Kurier newspaper, the incident took place on late Thursday, with the young Turks kicking benches and a confessional, as well as shouting "Allahu Akbar!"


A priest called the police but the assaulters had left the site before the officers arrived. The regional department of the Office for the Protection of the Constitution and Counterterrorism believes that the group of radical Turkish extremists, which is operating in the area, is behind the incident.


Both Interior Minister Karl Nehammer and Chancellor Sebastian Kurz have condemned the incident.


"All Christians must have a right to freely and safely practice their faith in Austria! We will firmly continue the fight against political Islam and refrain from false tolerance here", Kurz wrote on his Twitter page.


Commenting on the recent terrorist attack in France's Nice, which claimed the lives of three people, Nehammer said that "every terrorist attack is an attack on our democracy and our European fundamental and freedom rights".


Meine Gedanken sind bei den Opfern und ihren Familien in #Nizza. Jede terroristische Attacke ist ein Angriff auf unsere Demokratie und unsere europäischen Grund- & Freiheitsrechte. Wir stellen uns klar gegen alle Formen von Extremismus und Terrorismus.

— Karl Nehammer (@karlnehammer) October 29, 2020


Europe has been facing a spike in the incidents related to radical Islam since the brutal beheading of a French history teacher by a radicalised teen in Paris and the tough rhetoric of French President Emmanuel Macron following this attack.–reports/

Anonymous ID: 75379e Oct. 31, 2020, 11:07 a.m. No.11376705   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6712 >>6762 >>6830 >>6892 >>7045 >>7213

Instagram ‘blocked French account of Iran’s Khamenei’ after he sent message to youths on Prophet Mohammed cartoons


A French-language Instagram account of Ayatollah Ali Khamenei was temporarily blocked after posting a critical message to young people about controversial cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed, Iran's FARS news agency reported.


The page became inaccessible on Friday, two days after Khamenei's missive to “young French people” was posted on social media. In his address, the Ayatollah blasted French President Emmanuel Macron as “stupid” for insisting that caricatures of the Prophet Mohammed were in line with that country’s values of freedom of speech. He also questioned why it was “OK” in France to insult the Prophet Mohammed, but illegal to doubt the Holocaust.


However, a shadow French-language account was quickly created for Khamenei, to repost the message in text and audio formats. The original account appears to be unblocked, but the message to French youths seems to have been removed.


Macron has been facing harsh criticism from Muslim leaders after the French president vowed to clampdown on radical Islam, in response to the beheading of schoolteacher Samuel Paty outside Paris on October 16.


Paty, in a freedom of expression class, had shown his students cartoons of Islam’s Prophet Mohammed, which had just been published by satirical French magazine Charlie Hebdo.


Making drawings of the prophet is considered blasphemous in Islam, and Macron's statement defending the publication of the cartoons drew a wave of protests in several Muslim countries, as well as boycotts of French goods and accusations of Islamophobia.

Anonymous ID: 75379e Oct. 31, 2020, 11:11 a.m. No.11376766   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6811 >>6830 >>6892 >>7045 >>7213

Chinese fixer targets FIVE Prime Ministers: New evidence of Beijing's infiltration of British Establishment as it emerges leading figure 'tasked with grooming foreign elites' met politicians including Boris Johnson, David Cameron and Tony Blair


Zhirong Hu has also met former Prime Ministers Theresa May and Gordon Brown

He leads the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries

Academics say its mission is to groom top ‘business, political and media leaders'


A leading figure in a Chinese group allegedly created to groom foreign elites has been pictured with five British prime ministers.


Photographs uncovered by the Daily Mail show how Zhirong Hu has moved among the British Establishment.


He has met Boris Johnson, Theresa May, David Cameron, Gordon Brown and Tony Blair.


Mr Hu is a director of the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, which is reportedly controlled by the country’s Communist Party.


Academics say its mission is to groom ‘business, political and media leaders in countries around the world’.


The claims are backed by a new book, Hidden Hand, whose serialisation continues in the Mail today.



Anonymous ID: 75379e Oct. 31, 2020, 11:14 a.m. No.11376800   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6830 >>6892 >>6963 >>6995 >>7045 >>7213

Facebook cracks down on the use of 'Save Our Children' hashtag because it's been overtaken by QAnon conspiracy theorists


Facebook is cracking down on the 'save our children' hashtag after it was used by supporters of the QAnon conspiracy theory, the social network said on Friday.


‘Earlier this week, we stepped up how we enforce our rules against QAnon on pages, events, and groups,’ a spokesperson for Facebook told


'Starting today, we're limiting the distribution of the "save our children" hashtag given we've found that content tied to it is now associated with QAnon.'


'When people search for it, they will now see the credible child safety resources.'


Facebook users can still enter the hashtag, but they will not be able to see aggregated results of posts incorporating the hashtag.


Earlier this month, Facebook announced that it was banning QAnon across its platforms, which includes its group pages as well as Instagram.


QAnon is the baseless conspiracy theory that paints President Donald Trump as a secret warrior against a supposed child-trafficking ring run by celebrities and 'deep state' government officials.


The theory holds that Trump will finally emerge victorious on a day of reckoning known as ‘The Storm’, when thousands of people said to belong to this pedophile ring, including Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and George Soros, will be arrested and executed.


Alphabet-owned YouTube has also banned QAnon, while Twitter has purged tens of thousands of QAnon-linked accounts.


Before banning QAnon in early October, Facebook launched an earlier crackdown on QAnon-linked groups that ‘discussed potential violence.’


QAnon followers circumvented the ban by using the ‘save our children’ hashtag.


For now, the restrictions will not apply to ‘save the children,’ which is also the name of a United Kingdom-based children’s charity that operates worldwide.


After the ‘save our children’ hashtag went viral this past summer, the Save the Children Federation released a statement seeking to put a distance between the charity and the QAnon-linked trend.


‘Our name in hashtag form has been experiencing unusually high volumes and causing confusion among our supporters and the general public,’ the organization wrote in August.


‘In the United States, Save the Children is the sole owner of the registered trademark “Save the Children.”


‘While people may choose to use our organization’s name as a hashtag to make their point on different issues, we are not affiliated or associated with any of these campaigns.’

Anonymous ID: 75379e Oct. 31, 2020, 11:21 a.m. No.11376890   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7045 >>7213

House Democrats Introduce Bill to Slow UAE F-35 Deal


Congress concerned with upholding Israel's military edge


House Democrats introduced a bill on Friday to restrict arms sales to countries in the Middle East. The legislation comes after the Trump administration informally notified Congress of its intent to sell the UAE 50 F-35 fighter jets, worth approximately $10.4 billion.


Rep. Eliot Engel (D-NY), chair of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, introduced the legislation along with 10 other lawmakers. “It’s up to Congress to consider the ramifications of allowing new partners to purchase the F-35 and other advanced systems,” Engel said in a statement announcing the bill.


The bill is the latest in a round of legislation introduced in Congress to protect Israel’s military superiority over its neighbors, known as the Qualitative Military Edge (QME). A similar bill was introduced in the Senate last week.


“We need to know that such weapons will be used properly and in a way aligned with our security interests, which include protecting Israel’s qualitative military edge and ensuring adversaries can’t get their hands on American technology,” Engel said.


Engel’s bill outlines conditions necessary to sell F-35s and other advanced equipment to countries in the Middle East that are not Israel. One condition is that the recipient country has to have signed an agreement to normalize relations with Israel like the UAE did in September.


The bill would also require the weapons to be modified to ensure Israel “is able to identify, locate, and continually track the weapons and that the recipient country will not alter such modifications.” Other requirements include ensuring the weapons are not stolen or do not end up in the hands of non-state actors in the region.


Despite the concerns in Congress, the Israelis signed off on the arms sale to the UAE after securing a guarantee from Secretary of Defense Mark Esper last week that the US will provide Israel with new weapons in exchange. Discussing the potential F-35 sale with reporters on Thursday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said he received strong assurances about “the American commitment to preserve Israel’s military qualitative edge.”


Congress is already mandated by US law to uphold Israel’s QME. Since rumors of the F-35 sale to Abu Dhabi began to surface, US lawmakers have introduced a few bills concerning Israel’s QME. Earlier in October, a group of bipartisan lawmakers introduced a bill that would essentially give the State of Israel veto powers over US arms sales to the Middle East.

Anonymous ID: 75379e Oct. 31, 2020, 11:23 a.m. No.11376920   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7045 >>7213

Military Forces Rescue Kidnapped American in Niger


An American citizen kidnapped in the West African nation of Niger this past week has been rescued in a U.S. military operation in neighboring Nigeria, a U.S. official told The Associated Press on Saturday.


Philipe Nathan Walton was taken from his farm in Massalata in southern Niger early Tuesday morning by armed kidnappers who demanded a ransom from the man’s father.


The Defense Department confirmed the operation Saturday, saying it took place in northern Nigeria.


“This American citizen is safe and is now in the care of the U.S. Department of State. No U.S military personnel were injured during the operation,” the department said in a statement.


Niger has faced a growing number of attacks by extremists linked to both the Islamic State group and to al-Qaida. The kidnapping comes two months after IS-linked militants killed six French aid workers and their Niger guide while they were visiting a wildlife park east of the capital.


The U.S. official, who was not authorized to publicly discuss the rescue and spoke on condition of anonymity, said there were no solid indications that Walton's kidnapping was terrorism-related and that it was instead “trending toward a kidnapping for ransom.”


But the official said the U.S. government said it was concerned that the hostage could be passed to another terrorist group, or that the kidnapping could become a prolonged hostage-taking.


Walton is now back in Niger, according to the official, who said no ransom was paid.


President Donald Trump has repeatedly promoted his administration’s focus on securing the release of American hostages held by militant groups abroad as well as others being detained. Earlier this month, two Americans held captive by Iranian-backed militants in Yemen were released, along with a third person, in exchange for the return of about 250 of the Houthi rebels from Oman.

Anonymous ID: 75379e Oct. 31, 2020, 11:26 a.m. No.11376958   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7045 >>7213 >>7258

Here’s What National Guard Units Across the Country Will Be Doing on Election Day


From New Jersey to Washington state, National Guard members across the country are gearing up for election-related missions ranging from cybersecurity support to responding to civil unrest in an already record-breaking year for state activations.


Governors have continued to activate National Guard troops in the final days leading up to the presidential election, which has been transformed by the coronavirus pandemic. Soldiers and airmen are supporting polling stations, leading cybersecurity missions, and even preparing for civil disturbances in the wake of what could prove to be a contentious election in which results might not be known for weeks.


As of Friday, 10 states were actively planning for Guard members to handle election-related missions and 15 were indicating they plan to do so. Those missions include working polling stations and cybersecurity missions.


No Uniforms, No Weapons


Armed troops won’t be guarding polling places on Tuesday.


Leaders in several states said the hundreds of Guard members activated by their governors will be wearing civilian clothes and won’t be carrying weapons. That’s true in Wisconsin, New Jersey and Nebraska, officials from those states say.


“Our service members are placed on state active duty, and they show up in civilian clothes to the polling stations, so any member of the community that is coming into a polling station isn’t going to be able to recognize that they are in the Guard,” said Brig. Gen. Robyn Blader, assistant adjutant general of the Wisconsin National Guard. “They are going to look like anyone else from the community.”


Several hundred Guard members assisted at polling places during the primaries, reported this summer. They were under strict orders to stay out of the actual voting process, filling gaps created during the pandemic since older people who tend to volunteer at polls were staying home to prevent contracting COVID-19.


In New Jersey, one of the states where Guard members assisted during the primaries, troops are helping process mail-in ballots. The country has seen a huge uptick in mail-in ballots during the pandemic. About 240 New Jersey National Guard soldiers and airmen are already supporting 18 counties’ board of elections, Lt. Col. Barbara Brown, a Guard spokeswoman there, said.

Anonymous ID: 75379e Oct. 31, 2020, 11:28 a.m. No.11376981   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7045 >>7052 >>7213

Project Veritas SUES New York Times for Defamation for Labeling Undercover Videos as “Deceptive”


It’s nice to see someone join the ranks of myself and crew at The DC Patriot filing counter suits for these liberal media hacks that continue to slander and libel conservative truth slingers.


The New York Times has now been sued by Conservative Investigation and Media group Project Veritas for labeling their videos as “deceptive” and for using “solely unidentified sources” and also claiming “no verifiable evidence.”


You can read the announcement below from Project Veritas founder James O’Keefe, as well as watch the video press release.


It feels good to see a fellow truth slinger fighting back, as James and his group always have. We’re proud to know them, and proud of them! Good job Veritas Team!

Anonymous ID: 75379e Oct. 31, 2020, 11:34 a.m. No.11377070   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Mueller gathered evidence suggesting DNC, Clinton camp manufactured Russia collusion story


Memos show Clinton-DNC effort to tie Trump to Russia began as early as May 2016 in Ukraine, but Mueller didn't include in final report.


Special Counsel Robert Mueller's office gathered evidence suggesting that Hillary Clinton's campaign and the Democratic National Committee launched a political "smear job" in spring 2016 tying Donald Trump to Russia collusion through the lobbying work of his campaign chairman Paul Manafort in Ukraine, according to memos that were excluded from the prosecutor's final report.


The evidence, reviewed by Just the News, includes information obtained by State Department officials from a trusted Ukrainian source, a private investigator's report, and an email exchange suggesting Tony Podesta — a Manafort business associate and brother of Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta — tried at one point to slow down the opposition research project.


The evidence — which is additional to records showing the law firm for the Clinton campaign and the DNC funded the infamous "Steele dossier" given to the FBI — was never mentioned in last year's vast, two-volume Mueller Report, which concluded that no Americans colluded with Russia to influence the 2016 election.


The newly surfaced evidence bolsters separate intelligence reporting that Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe made public recently showing the Obama CIA also believed Clinton's campaign had launched a political dirty trick to "vilify" Trump on Russia in an effort to distract from her own controversies.


"We did have evidence to show that early collusion allegations against Trump and Manafort were created or propagated by people who either worked for the DNC or the Clinton campaign, including some efforts that went beyond the Steele dossier," a person with direct knowledge of the Mueller probe told Just the News.


The person spoke only on condition of anonymity because the person did not have permission to speak to the news media.


Asked why the Mueller report did not mention the Clinton campaign tactics, the source answered: "Our job was to report on and prosecute crimes, not write an essay on how political opposition research was conducted by the two parties."

Anonymous ID: 75379e Oct. 31, 2020, 11:35 a.m. No.11377086   🗄️.is 🔗kun

As new lockdowns are ordered across Europe, Swedish COVID death rate has fallen sharply


"What we see right now is a rapid fall in the number of cases, and of course some kind of immunity has to be involved in that as nothing else has changed," says Sweden's coronavirus response czar, State Epidemiologist Anders Tegnell.


As governments across Europe are contemplating the reinstatement of curfews, lockdowns and other restrictive mitigation measures to combat a resurgent coronavirus, Sweden, which went its own way with a less interventionist response to the virus, has been largely spared from the spreading "second wave."


In France, President Emmanuel Macron has ordered a new lockdown until December. People are not to leave their homes except to buy essential goods, seek medical care and to exercise for an hour a day. Bars and restaurants will be closed, and travel between regions banned. Schools will stay open, but universities will move online.


German Chancellor Angela Merkel earlier this week introduced tougher restrictions in her nation for a four-week period: No more than 10 people from two households are allowed to meet outdoors. Non-essential travel is discouraged, and hotels are not open to tourists. Schools, kindergartens, shops and churches remain open.


So far the U.K. government is not following suit. "We don't want to create a second national lockdown," Housing Secretary Robert Jenrick told Sky News. "We know that has some effect on bearing down on the virus, but we also know it's immensely disruptive in other regards to people's lives and livelihoods and broader health and well-being, so we will do everything we can to avoid that situation."


Instead, the British government has favored localized restrictions in cities such as London, Birmingham and Manchester. Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland have unilaterally imposed their own extreme measures.


However, earlier this year, Macron issued an ultimatum that he would close France's border with Britain unless it introduced tougher restrictions by March 20. British Prime Minister Boris Johnson duly obliged, ordering a full lockdown just six days later. How much this latest French decision will affect the U.K. remains to be seen.


This latest imposition of nationwide restrictions is being called a "circuit-breaker." As it is in place for a limited time period, it is hoped this will be less damaging to the economy and to people's mental health than a lockdown.

Anonymous ID: 75379e Oct. 31, 2020, 11:37 a.m. No.11377100   🗄️.is 🔗kun

This Week In Campus Insanity Vol. 17


Welcome back to Campus Insanity, a weekly roundup of the craziest developments at our nation's 4,000-plus institutions of higher education.


  1. Emory Student Government Agrees to Purchase 400 Copies of Anti-Racism Books | The College Fix


Emory University's student government approved a measure to purchase 400 copies of the anti-racism book Are Prisons Obsolete?—a book that can be read in full for free online.


  1. Brown University Students Create ‘Burn Brown Book,' Outlining Racism and Activism on Campus | CBS News


Activists at Brown University released the "Burn Brown Book," a 175-page guide outlining the history of on-campus racism, capitalism, and activism with the goal of "providing a safe space for minority students."


  1. Oregon State University Professor Wants to ‘Decolonize' Mapping by Recentering Indigenous Cartography | Willamette Weekly


An Oregon State University professor claims that the boundaries that make up the United States are illegitimate, since they were created by English and Spanish colonizers.


  1. Harvard Medical School Says Anti-Racism Is Top Priority | Washington Free Beacon


Harvard Medical School announced that one of its main priorities for the coming year is fostering a commitment to "anti-racism."


  1. Michigan State University Provost Announces Elimination of the Terms ‘Foreign' and ‘Alien' | The Morning Watch


Michigan State University provost Teresa Woodruff announced the school would no longer use the terms "foreign" and "alien," opting instead for "non-pejorative terms that describe geography" to create a more inclusive environment.


  1. Virginia Tech Professor Says Phrase ‘American People' is Racist, As Is Beer | Campus Reform


A professor at Virginia Tech claims the phrase "the American people"—and beer—are racist, in his new book titled, Beer and Racism: How Beer Became White, Why It Matters, and the Movements to Change It.

Anonymous ID: 75379e Oct. 31, 2020, 11:40 a.m. No.11377132   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Intermittent fasting from dawn to sunset for four consecutive weeks induces anticancer serum proteome response and improves metabolic syndrome




Metabolic syndrome is characterized by central obesity, insulin resistance, elevated blood pressure, and dyslipidemia. Metabolic syndrome is a significant risk factor for several common cancers (e.g., liver, colorectal, breast, pancreas). Pharmacologic treatments used for the components of the metabolic syndrome appear to be insufficient to control cancer development in subjects with metabolic syndrome. Murine models showed that cancer has the slowest progression when there is no food consumption during the daily activity phase. Intermittent fasting from dawn to sunset is a form of fasting practiced during human activity hours. To test the anticancer effect of intermittent fasting from dawn to sunset in metabolic syndrome, we conducted a pilot study in 14 subjects with metabolic syndrome who fasted (no eating or drinking) from dawn to sunset for more than 14 h daily for four consecutive weeks. We collected serum samples before 4-week intermittent fasting, at the end of 4th week during 4-week intermittent fasting and 1 week after 4-week intermittent fasting. We performed serum proteomic analysis using nano ultra-high performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. We found a significant fold increase in the levels of several tumor suppressor and DNA repair gene protein products (GP)s at the end of 4th week during 4-week intermittent fasting (CALU, INTS6, KIT, CROCC, PIGR), and 1 week after 4-week intermittent fasting (CALU, CALR, IGFBP4, SEMA4B) compared with the levels before 4-week intermittent fasting. We also found a significant reduction in the levels of tumor promoter GPs at the end of 4th week during 4-week intermittent fasting (POLK, CD109, CAMP, NIFK, SRGN), and 1 week after 4-week intermittent fasting (CAMP, PLAC1) compared with the levels before 4-week intermittent fasting. Fasting from dawn to sunset for four weeks also induced an anti-diabetes proteome response by upregulating the key regulatory proteins of insulin signaling at the end of 4th week during 4-week intermittent fasting (VPS8, POLRMT, IGFBP-5) and 1 week after 4-week intermittent fasting (PRKCSH), and an anti-aging proteome response by upregulating H2B histone proteins 1 week after 4-week intermittent fasting. Subjects had a significant reduction in body mass index, waist circumference, and improvement in blood pressure that co-occurred with the anticancer, anti-diabetes, and anti-aging serum proteome response. These findings suggest that intermittent fasting from dawn to sunset actively modulates the respective genes and can be an adjunct treatment in metabolic syndrome. Further studies are needed to test the intermittent fasting from dawn to sunset in the prevention and treatment of metabolic syndrome-induced cancers.

Anonymous ID: 75379e Oct. 31, 2020, 11:42 a.m. No.11377156   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7188

The evidence is clear: Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey must be arrested and charged with racketeering and treason


After years of dismissing Big Tech’s censorship of the independent press, Congress is finally taking it seriously now that Big Tech is censoring mainstream doctors and mainstream news agencies. Google, Twitter and Facebook have become so extreme with their politically-motivated censorship, the platforms now coordinate their attacks, targeting scientific and conservative topics in real time and eliminating them from social media discussion and distribution. This censorship suppresses public involvement in democracy and distorts the free flow of information. Their censorship has not only become outright election interference, but their suppression of information now aids and abets criminal acts committed exclusively by Democrats. When the platforms censored a bombshell New York Post report on Biden family corruption, Big Tech’s actions became criminal in nature.


Now Senate Republicans are issuing subpoenas to the CEOs of Silicon Valley, including Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey and Google CEO Sundar Pichai. Congressional Democrats cheer on the censorship as “eliminating misinformation” while Congressional Republicans see the censorship for what it is.

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey caught red-handed, must be indicted for racketeering and treason


When questioned by Texas Senator Ted Cruz, Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey doubled down and said that the New York Post’s account will remain locked until the newspaper deletes their original tweet about Hunter Biden’s business dealings overseas. The censored report details how Hunter Biden arranged a meeting between him, his father and a Ukrainian gas executive in Washington.


A whistleblower who worked with the Biden’s for years came forward and attested that Joe Biden, the former vice president, was deeply involved in his son’s oversea affairs. He confirmed that the “Big guy” in the Hunter Biden emails is Joe Biden. Joe enjoyed kickbacks from his son’s foreign business deals, which included deals with Chinese firms that sought to influence American government. A Senate investigation of this whistleblower has confirmed all of the whistle blower’s allegations. Twitter’s suppression of the press and the subsequent investigation is therefore election interference and a criminal act.

Anonymous ID: 75379e Oct. 31, 2020, 11:42 a.m. No.11377164   🗄️.is 🔗kun

GTFO !! Team Trump Escorts Biden-Harris Out of Texas…


As noted in previous threads, there has been an organic movement by Team Trump to show up at Biden-Harris campaign events and outnumber the Biden supporters.


This effort has an origination in Miami-Dade by Latinos for Trump confronting Kamala Harris in early October, has grown throughout and is a direct way to push-back against the false polling claims and narratives by mainstream media.


Additionally, the Biden-Harris bus been dogged by parades of MAGA Trump supporters forming caravans of flag waving vehicles and following the route. Yesterday, Biden-Harris cancelled stops in Texas because they were outnumbered by Trump supporters, and as they departed the lone star state Team Texas provided the escort.

Anonymous ID: 75379e Oct. 31, 2020, 11:43 a.m. No.11377173   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>Cabal pushing Albert Pike's version of WW3 big time: ""The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the "agentur" of the "Illuminati" between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other……."