Anonymous ID: 0617bf Oct. 31, 2020, 1:16 p.m. No.11378246   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8306


regular liberals are splitting from the power controllers

sheep no more?


HBO comedy news host Bill Maher as being one of the few voices of sanity being listened to by these leftists—who during his programme, that aired a few hours ago, listened to his deluded leftist guests cheering Biden’s coming victory, then afterwards told them: “You sound like the panels I used to have on right before the last election. … You guys are whistling past the graveyard”—after which he made up a new rule saying: “No matter which side wins on Tuesday, let's skip the civil war and go right to reconciliation…Thirty-four percent of the voters believe there will be another Civil War within the next five years and I'd like to remind them of one thing: America is a family and the definition of family is people who hate each other without resorting to violence…We have to see each other not as mortal enemies but rather merely as roommates from hell…If we want to simply exist, we're going to have to find a way to work together. … So let's not have a civil war with the Trumpers…We're no good at war and they're no good at being civil…So please, whatever happens Tuesday, let's find a way to live together…We have to – because no other country will take us”.