Anonymous ID: f4ff18 Oct. 31, 2020, 1:13 p.m. No.11378199   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8248 >>8307 >>8556

cuomo isn't done w/his murderous rampage, he's also killing NY, NYC.


Gov. Cuomo announces mandatory COVID-19 testing for out-of-state travelers

October 31, 2020


New York has eliminated its quarantine travel advisory list, replacing it with a strict new blanket testing policy, Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced Saturday.


Under the new mandate, travelers from nearly every state in the union must show proof of a negative test taken within three days of arriving in New York, and must also quarantine for three additional days — and get a new COVID-19 on the fourth day.


If that’s positive, they must isolate for two weeks, the governor said at an Albany press briefing.


“Four days plus three days is seven days, and that’s basically, by all probability, the incubation period,” Cuomo said, as he announced 2,049 new cases across the state and 8 deaths yesterday.


“There will be no metrics. There will be one rule that applies across the country,” the governor said.


Anyone who refuses to be tested must quarantine for 14 days.


Previously there was a two-week mandatory quarantine for travelers arriving from areas deemed to have high or increasing COVID-19 cases.


The testing policy applies to every state except New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Connecticut, Cuomo said.


Those who commute between bordering states are not required to be tested each trip, he added.


New Yorkers who travel outside of the state must get tested for the virus within four days of their return.


Meanwhile, Cuomo said the state’s targeted shutdowns or “microcluster approach,” in virus hotspots in Brooklyn and Queens is working, based on anecdotal evidence from hospitals and heath care facilities.


“I believe we got their attention in the red zones and the increase in enforcement got their attention. They are displeased with me but the infection rate came down and I believe I did my job.”


The average percent of positive cases in the state’s microcluster zones is 3 percent.


New York’s statewide positivity rate is 1.49 percent — the third-lowest in the nation.


Maine has a .97 percent positivity, behind Vermont’s .53 percent, according to Johns Hopkins University.


Without the hotspots, the state’s positivity rate drops to 1.3 percent, he said.


“New Yorkers should be really proud of what they’re doing,” Cuomo said. “To be third in the nation is very good.”

Anonymous ID: f4ff18 Oct. 31, 2020, 1:27 p.m. No.11378412   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8447 >>8509 >>8683 >>8720 >>8783

Figure Daily Mail and NY Post just tried to get ahead of this by publishing [Barack Obama's advisors were 'bothered' and thought it was 'unseemly' when Hunter Biden joined board of Burisma while Joe was VP and helping decide policy for Ukraine, new book claims], to cover for him.


Because Obama is connected.


Business Associates Viewed Hunter Biden as Pipeline to Obama Administration, Researcher Says

October 31, 2020


Hunter Biden, son of Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden, was viewed as a pipeline to the Obama-Biden administration by his business associates, according to a researcher who focuses on government integrity who was provided access to emails between the associates.


“They viewed hunter Biden as a pipeline to the administration,” Seamus Bruner said during an interview with “Crossroads with Joshua Philipp.”


(Click here to watch the full interview.)


Bruner is the associate director of research at the Government Accountability Institute (GAI) and author of “Compromised: How Money and Politics Drive FBI Corruption” and “Fallout: Nuclear Bribes, Russian Spies, and the Washington Lies that Enriched the Clinton and Biden Dynasties.”


The GAI is led by famed investigative journalist Peter Schweizer.


Bruner cited emails between Hunter Biden and his former associates including Devon Archer, Bevan Cooney, and Jason Galavis.


According to Bruner, one email said “let’s leverage Hunter Biden more,” another email allegedly described the “direct administration pipeline” as “other currency” when discussing how to pitch to investors.


The emails Bruner cited were provided by Cooney, who is currently in prison serving a sentence for his involvement in a 2016 bond fraud investment scheme.


Cooney authorized Schweizer access to his Gmail account after learning of his 2018 book “Secret Empires,” which casts lights on the Bidens’ foreign dealing.


Cooney’s brother, Scott Cooney, allowed Schweizer and him access to those emails, Bruner told The Epoch Times.


One of the emails, published by Breitbart on Oct. 20, sent by Biden business associate Jason Galanis to business partners Devon Archer and Bevan Cooney on Nov. 4, 2014, said: “I wanted to focus on the “other currency” we are bringing to the table … direct administration pipeline.”….