Another COVID hospitalization statistic.
None shall pass.
Only shills give a fuck if you filter or not.
I don't care.
Do what you like.
Filter me if you feel like it.
No shill will ever tell you that.
Where are the Ghislaine Maxwell documents?!?
>40.134588, -77.053341
Source link if anyone's interested.,+-77.053341/@40.13514188,-77.05607697,231.08053329a,35922.56741394d,35y,95.27710684h,45.22335951t,-0r/data=ClkaLxIpGY83-S06EURAIU2iXvBpQ1PAKhU0MC4xMzQ1ODgsIC03Ny4wNTMzNDEYAiABIiYKJAmxh2CdWiJEQBEDQY72XS3YPxnD0sZVOZYzwCEpT2N5ze1kwA
You realize you are arguing with a bot right?