moon hams
if only
there were some osrt of dracco nekid short sale
on margin
for all these watchers
maybe you try to hard to retarded
gosh walter
maybe your fluff scared them away
gehy pride moons
han fapper solo just sent ufo to defeat closet homo david willcock
>han fapper solo just sent ufo
prolapsed!!!! gapes!
giant ufo probes blasted david willcocks gasket tests
we will never have abundant ufo tech nology until the clowns eat david willcock;s rooster==
>>han fapper solo just sent ufo
>prolapsed!!!! gapes!
>giant ufo probes blasted david willcocks gasket tests
david willcocks gaskets test came back syrup sucking moose jockey french canadian gapes leaks
giant red rockets explosions
probes went ever where
so m**
pedigreed muhbloodlines muhjooshill gaylord pedofaggots**uch ham
this really shitty joke
is just getting shittier
oh wow
whiney bitches
from nambla zersetzungs