What the fuck is up with the image for the main dough post?
Fuck off nigger, use the one all the other bakers use.
What the fuck is up with the image for the main dough post?
Fuck off nigger, use the one all the other bakers use.
This is the image bakers are supposed to use for the general breads.
If you don't want to use it, you can fuck off and kill yourself
No reason to change the main image for the general breads
Fuck your all caps red text nigger
It doesn't make you look important
It just shows how truly stupid you are
Kill yourself.
If it wasn't late for me and my usual bed time wasn't coming up, I would yoink the bread away from OSS and bake for a few hours.
Fuck your bullshit OSS, kill yourself
OSS glows
ID: 9aee08
You have almost 30 posts glownigger
kill yourself
Every single baker has used the same image for over 2 years nigger, no reason to change it.
Kill yourself
OSS glows
Kill yourself IP hopper
OSS glows.
OSS glows..
ID: 50076b
Is a fucking glowing piece of shit with almost 30 posts, and should kill themselves and live stream it.
Where is your proof that anon is antifa?
Oh right, you don't have any proof
kill yourself
OSS glows
Kill yourself IP hopper
OSS glows…
Lots use the catalog to get to bread, the image helps identify the general breads.