One thing that continues to irritate me is Trump playing along with Fauci and most World leaders/Gates/medical 'experts' in continuing this false flag Covid narrative.
Now maybe a real virus exists. So be it. It didn't come from any bat - and Trump knows this. China (and foreign allies) didn't simply not contain it. It was actively weaponised across the Globe. As in 'war' declaration.
The number (cases plus deaths) have KNOWINGLY been milked in many countries both to enhance fear (which is bluntly terrorism inflicted on their own people KNOWINGLY) and then to impose oppressive control mechanisms and laws.
The release of Covid (real or totally fabricated virus) was a design both to terrorise and remove freedoms - with complicit knowledge from many leaders of the world.
If at some point in the future we are told it was a necessary "exercise" (and didn't Pompeo mumble just such a word to Trump early on in the 'outbreaks'?) I will still call it terrorism, inflicted by governments on their own people. I won't be laughing. Too many people suffered for me to buy any 'exercise' excuse.