Cabbage Patch Doll s destroyed the Boomers. One fad too far.
Stop posting kiddie porn.
Name fag filtered.
Bakers should be certified. Q is.
And funded, Q is.
That was the Wild West, it's different now.
I was begged to work for free from some of the most famous people on the planet. I laughed in their stupid face and they became me friend. Or so they thought.
Q gets paid and has a lifetime pension.
Only an idiot works for free.
The paid shill anons think bakers should work for free.
Paid shill anons think bakers should work for free.
No one should work for free.
Slavery is dead.
This place is a mess.
Yup if you are so boring you have to have a phony name or avatar you failed.
Everyone knows me and quakes.
q should come out. whats she afraid of? trump ain't afraid. If q is afraid she should resign.
Fuck this forum just go here.
Baker is retarded.
o7 is antifa.
what moron goes on an anonymous forum and gives themselves a name?
A special kind of moron. Satans bitch.
One of my best deep state friends died in the computer plane.
One of my best friend most famous evangelical died inn a plane crash.
My friend Lonnie Frisbee died from AIDS because he had sex with a strange man every day.
These people are stupid. This is not a game.
Q are you ready? I Know Trump is immune. Q mostly posts are anti Christian new age bullshit. .
Q Are willing to give your life for new age bullshit?
I dint think so read the Bible.
Maybe resign you are in over your head.
Q I don't want something bad to happen to you. Resign.
>>11388668 New age Musik wont save you.
Hollywood B movies wont save you.
Q you are the enemy.
you were set up.
q you may want to just stay in your DC apartment
for a few months and sent Trump your resignation.
This forum you set up failed.
The website owner is a total creep.
You don't know God or his son Jesus.
This website makes Trump supporters look like retards.
Q is Satan.
Q doesn't have the ovaries to say her name.
Q say your name. why are you afraid?
Q are you some trust fund baby that cant be associated with Trump?
Covid is the common cold.