>She wasn't black, she was actually Jewish
Every bread I drop into these days is full of Bakers and Shill-Bakers squabbling and name-fagging and ruining the breads
The stupid OSS/Gerbil/Kekbee/Animebaker/Comms, whatever their handles are…….you are all whining zero IQ faggots
You Bakers are ALL cancer now as far as I am concerned, you keep shitting in your own back-yard whilst you furiously masturbate and indulge your burgeoning ego's
The last few breads are now full of shilling about the (now corrupted) Iwo Jima logo for QR….. and guess who is driving the division on the boards
The Bakers
Fuck all who bake, I utterly despise you, the board would be better off with ZERO Bakers
Once again, Bakers: Fuck You