They don't call guys soyboy based on their dietary practices.
He already has their secret twitter accounts And the contents. Not asking people to find them and stir up crap.
You sound like you are going to be disappointed in life.
You didn't poison her. The first rh# baby triggers the antibodies that will impact the next rh positive baby. Mom will be fine but her body will attack another rh positive baby. Subsequent rh negative babies are fine. They give shots to inhibit forming the antibodies so these days, it really isn't much of an issue. It used to be a big deal.
It is not until the blood of an rh positive intermingles with its rh negative mother that she is sensitized and forms antibodies that will attack an rh positive baby. That happens at birth. The first rh positive baby born to an rh negative baby is usually fine.
I meant rh negative mother.
This isn't a policy forum. Or a church.