Yes SIR Senior Chief FuckTard Sir,.. I suppose, that's why others are doing it as well Sir. Didn't catch that Sir,.. Benny Hill Salute to You Sir for singling ME out as the "Example" of what NOT to do, after so many others have done the same. Thank You for pointing out My Faults Sir. I will learn from them,. and become a better Meme Warrior because of Your guidance. I Thank You Sir for being such a RUDE PRICK in pointing out such DIRE Transgressions Sir. I Truly didn't mean to become a LEMMING by following others,.. My Intentions were to plot My own course,.. but DAMN! did I fuck that up. A subtle polite reminder might have merely caused Me to forget,.. But No,.. YOU! had to do one better by being a PRICK! in reminding so I NEVER forget it.
Good on You Sir!,.. Kudo's Sir!!! o7
Annnnd gggrrREAT!! People skills btw.
Mirrors only reflect back what light they're given. People on the other hand,.. have choices. Thanx for making Your plane. This post was just a mirror,.. WHICH GETS NONE OF THIS SHIT ANY FUCKING WHERE.
Well,.. A-D-Ose! Capt. ClusterFuck. I'm sure You'll do just fine. Yours is JUST! The large type A-Hole attitude,.. People just LOVE to waste their time listening to. As I'm sure You gathered from My time spent here responding,.. which I realize now,.. I'll never get back. :/