Anonymous ID: 9bf428 Nov. 1, 2020, 4:17 a.m. No.11389509   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9514 >>9517

Google translate would not translate for me, but did for


Words of father Aristeus to his son (1)


Translation of the words of Aristeus to his Son, made from rhymed Latin prose, compiled from a manuscript written in schitic letters and in schitic (2) language.


My son, about your knowledge of all things and teach you how you should live and how you must conform their conduct to the excellent sayings of the Philosophy, and teach you everything about the order and nature of the Monarchy of the Universe, it only remains for me to tell you those Keys of nature which until now I kept with the greatest care.


Among all these keys, the one that opens the closed One easily takes the first place. He is the source of all things together, and there is no doubt that God in particular has endowed him with the all-divine attribute. If we possess this Key, riches become despicable, because there is no treasure that can compare with it. Indeed, what is the use of wealth if we are subject to the scourge of human ills? What good is a treasure when a man sees death strike him? There is no wealth that we will not be forced to part with when death overtakes us. But it is not so if I have this Key, for then I see death far away from me, and I am sure that I have a secret in my power that will rid me of all fear. The riches are at my disposal and I do not lack for Treasure. Infirmity flees from me and I can delay the approach of death if I possess the Golden Key.


Image from the book of Guillaume Postel "the Key to hidden things" (Guillaume Postel. "Absconditorum a Constitutione Mundi Clavis". 1547).

Anonymous ID: 9bf428 Nov. 1, 2020, 4:18 a.m. No.11389514   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9517



Part 2 My son, I wish to make you heir to this particular Key, but I conjure you in the name of God and the Holy Place in which he dwells to keep it locked in the casket of your heart under the seal of silence. If you know how to use it, it will give you benefits, and when you are old or ill, it will rejuvenate, comfort, and heal you, for it has a special power to cure all diseases, turn metals, and make happy those who possess it. It is this Key that our Fathers so urgently asked us to keep secret, binding us by an oath. So study it. Always do good to the poor and orphans, this is the seal and the true sign.


All beings who live under the Sky and are subdivided into different species are descended from the same principle, and they all owe their origin to the Air as their General principle. The power of each creature (3) it shows what its principle is; for that which sustains life is the same as that which gives existence. The fish rejoices in the water, the child sucks its mother. A tree does not bear any fruit when its trunk is devoid of moisture. Through life we learn the principle of things, the life of things is Air, and consequently Air is their principle. That is why air decomposes all things, and just as it gives them life, so It takes it away from them. Wood, iron, and stones all come to an end in fire, and in the end all things return to their original essence (4) But what causes decomposition is also the cause of generation. When, as a result of various corruptions, it finally happens that creatures suffer from weather or the vicissitudes of fate, the Air that comes to them immediately heals them, even if they are imperfect or infirm. The earth, the tree, the grass, wither because of the heat of excessive drought, but all things are restored by the Dew of the Air. However, since no creature can recover and recover except in its own nature, and since Air Is the Spring (5) and the original Source (6) all things, so he is also their all-encompassing Source. It can be clearly seen that the seed, life, death, disease, and remedy for all things are in the Air. Nature has placed all her treasures in it and keeps them hidden, as it were, behind special and secret doors. But knowing how to open these doors and extract Air from the Air means having the Golden Key. For if we do not know how to extract this Air, it is impossible to find that which cures all diseases and restores life to people.

Therefore, if you wish to banish all ills, you must seek the means of doing so from the universal Source. Nature produces the like only by means of the like, and only that which corresponds to nature can help it. So learn, my son, to extract the Air, learn to keep the Key of nature. Creatures may know the Air well, but in order to extract the Air, they must possess the Key of nature. Truly, it is a mystery that transcends the mental faculties of men, the knowledge of how to extract the celestial Lariat from the Air (7). This is the great secret of understanding the property that nature has imprinted on things. Because of the nature are caught by means of similar natures. The fish is caught by the fish, the bird by the bird, and the Air is extracted by other Air, as if by means of attractive bait. Snow and ice are the Air, frozen by the cold. Nature has endowed them with a property that is necessary for extracting Air.

Anonymous ID: 9bf428 Nov. 1, 2020, 4:19 a.m. No.11389517   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9543



Part 3


Put one of these two things in a closed jar. Collect the Air that thickens around you when the weather is warm, taking what is dripping into a deep, narrow, thick, strong, and clean vessel, so that you can make either the sun's or moon's rays as you wish. When you have filled the vessel with it, seal it well, so that the heavenly Radiance (8) what was concentrated in him did not escape into the air. Fill as many vessels with this liquid as you wish. Then listen to what you have to do about it, and remain silent. Build a furnace, place in it a small vessel half filled with the Air that you have collected, and seal it properly. Then light your Fire in such a way that the lighter part of the smoke is constantly rising up and that nature does what the Central Fire does continuously in the bowels of the earth, where it sets The air Vapors in a circular motion that never ceases. This Fire should be weak, warm and moist, like the fire of a bird hatching eggs. You should maintain the Fire in such a way and keep it in this state, so that it does not burn, but rather cooks this aerial fruit, until it is completely cooked and remains at the bottom of the vessel, after being in motion for a long time.


Then add new air to it, not in large quantities, but as much As it needs. Work so that he slowly turned into a liquid, to bend, to black, to he hardened, he connected to it was fixed and he blushed. Then, by means of Fire and wholly divine skill, the pure part will be separated from the impure. Then you will take a clean portion of the raw Air and mix it with a clean portion of the solidified Air. You will make sure that everything dissolves and joins together, so that everything becomes moderately black, white, solid, and finally completely red. Here you have reached the end of Doing, and you have created this Elixir that works all the miracles you desire. And by this means you will obtain the Golden Key, the Drinking Gold, the Universal Medicine, and the inexhaustible treasure.