Quick post on the Beginning of Sorrows, the time leading up to the Troubles of Jacob, aka the Day of the Lord, aka the Great Tribulation.
The Beginning of Sorrows is given as a marker for the end of the age. The end of our age. The end of the church age, and the close of the new covenant.
The analogy is to a pregnant woman going into labor, her contractions getting closer together, more intense, until ultimately nothing can stop the baby from being born.
Note: It is the collection of all of them all at once all increasing in frequency and intensity that marks the end of the age. Not just one, and yes, they have all happened before. Pay attention. Increasing frequency & intensity & all together.
Beginning of Sorrows: Events, Increasing in Frequency & Intensity
Global Travel (Dan 12)
Global Knowledge/Information (Dan 12)
Global Weather Events (Luke 21)
Global Communication/Whole World Watching (Rev 11)
Global Evangelism (Matt 24)
Global Catastrophes Pandemics/Earthquakes/Famines (Matt 24, Luke 21)
Global Tracking Individuals ID, Digital Money/Mark of Beast (Rev 13)
Global Weapons of Mass Destruction, Near ELE (Matt 24)
Global Peace/Prosperity/Safety (1 Thess 5)
Global Hatred of Israel (only possible post 1948) (Zech 12)
Bible teacher/pastor John Barnett.
This is the time we're living in.
Even if you don't believe it.