Stop, 1 of 2
No, not much… not long did I regard 'Nothing can stop what is coming' simple catch-phrase.
Minimally, for long while, I figured it to be blade slicing both ways. Certainly a White Hat cannot be stopped, many die trying and striving. That is somewhat in regard to careful, neat, plan, but then far more importantly, the application of good, smart, power-filled principles… the very nature of being an individual White Hat. Force for good is truly overwhelming, once unleashed, fired up, given head and lead. That is exactly what I have perceived in the rallying of Q and far greater, POTUS rally. As I have said, America (goodness, exceptionalism) is not silent only too long void of adequate torch to follow. That absence has now long, 3 + years, been absent from America scene of my seen. Like rocket on fire, America's good rise is unstoppable.
Then two, blade reverses, Black Hats collectively will be Black Hats, given an inch, they take millions in the wrong direction, worst ways. That is assured, they too are unstoppable… that is together they will be what they are, true to the evil nature they let rule, unless, until reined in by forces contrary to that nature.
Collecting details wide and far, but Internet mostly sprung, I sense, and others channel the same, Black Hats generously receive enough length to collar themselves. Much stalling has transpired. It is easy to figure, Black-Hat-fight is cause for delay, and striving in that direction is the very nature of their joined nature… but then also there is the nature of giving rope. It is like roping back-axle to tree, steel cable or chain best. The more length given, the more speed and power builds, the more dramatic pull-back when end of line reaches… enough rope plays out. My perception is that White Hats, say, 'shucks, darn it, we missed again', too much, too often. 'Damn Deep State.' Doing so emboldens Black Hats to stay course, follow playbook, remain predictable. Time passes: investigations grow; infiltration deepens; comm lines become severed, faked, confused; heads swap around. Black Hats slowly devolve with minimal awareness, death, demise, by a thousand cuts happens. Decay from within is not only ploy to destroy our Republic but also threatens the force of Black Hats. Bobulinski is prime example of Biden camp decay. Rats simply scurry off a sinking ship, given a life line… enough rope, enough ropes, to mix metaphors, it all snowballs. The internal force for good within an individual's turn from evil, once revealed/realized, is also quite unstoppable.
But definitely third force must be reconciled, that is properly accounted for, measured and stacked neat and high. Constitutional root, We, The People, adequately and properly fed is the most unstoppable entity on planet, other than One, who makes eternal home not only here but also far from planet. Fundamental transformation works in both directions. I remember well 2008 Black Hats broke arms patting themselves on back for brilliant and powerful use of 'Social Media'. But electronic dance of data holds no candle to what I like to call old fashioned backyard net… over back fences, knowing no bounds but respecting all bounds. Trump himself has acknowledged this phenomenon assigning it to 2016, fully rooted in our ancient First A. Black Hats think since they can program idiot boxes to count huge numbers at speed beyond lightning, and trick business chumps to pay them big bucks to do so, they rule. They call it AI. I say yes, most certainly, ARTIFICIAL, no match for backwoods, front street, farm plowing, down and dirty, hard working common sense that will always run natural, free and rampant across America. We may take time to come to our senses, but this Republic is built for time, 4 years about right, chosen well and wisely long time past. Q has been all about proper and adequate feed, nurturing us babes. So, and sow, even sew, it spreads, knits and grows across America in and through one-by-one, across all manner of lines, yards and fences. Not the handful online of high count, but by the multitudes of small count. Ban a few words, hundreds and even by the thousands and we will find ten thousand more to say the same thing. AI is Artificial, nothing more, no match for Code, Q Code, overloaded with multiple meanings, face to face, one to one times billions annually. It is not the shear count of mere machine that counts, not volume of abstract extrapolation encoded with a trite if-then. Numbers are no trick-or-key. It is the utter certainty of American heart, soul, mind, spirit, and determination in free flowing mix. That is, such is, We, The People. Data be damned.