Catholic Warrior Dr. Taylor Marshall Opens Trump Rally with A Prayer
anon cannot connect dots
if there is a deep state
a deep academia
a deep social services
of course there is a deep church
anon has not read Q's Vigano post, nor any of the thousands of easily acquired commentary on the situation.
anon has not read the Scriptures which say, "where sin abounds, Grace does all the more abound."
anon does not understand that, where sin is the most egregious, there the most good is being done.
anon did not learn from the 2016 campaign, that a thing is judged by its enemies.
6% of reported "covid deaths" are caused by covid alone, according to CDC.
For 94% of all deaths for which "covid" was certified as the cause of death, there were 2.6 additional causes of death.
Fuck me, anons.
If this isn't the fucking backpedal of the century (so far).
bold proclamations of willful ignorance alway get the filter, bigotry and malevolence notwithstanding.