Anonymous ID: f2cfa7 Nov. 1, 2020, 11 a.m. No.11393530   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3562



>>11392804 Tucker acknowledged he knew hunter, but did not mention he asked hunter to write a freaking letter of recommendation for his son for college

>>11392805 Major fire at Istanbul hospital sends plume of black smoke into the sky

>>11392814, >>11393048 General Flynn Tweets Out Cryptic Message About Email Found on Hunter Biden’s Deserted Laptop

>>11392820 Anti-Lockdown Protests Erupt Across Spain As State Of Emergency Extended

>>11392851, >>11393059 The Bidens are a NIGHTMARE NATIONAL SECURITY RISK !!

>>11392854 At least 2 dead, 5 injured after man in ‘medieval clothes’ armed with ‘Japanese sword’ goes on stabbing spree in Quebec

>>11392872 Biden's foreign policy aide opposes idea of selling F-35s to #UAE, says only #Israel should have them

>>11392979 Jack Nicklaus questions COVID death toll, took hydroxychloroquine to combat his own virus symptoms

>>11392984 RichardGrenell Long overdue. But thanks to @realDonaldTrump it’s finally happening.

>>11392986 CDC Admits: No Conclusive Evidence Cloth Masks Work Against COVID

>>11393146 Trump supporters gather outside AG Bill Barr's Virginia home and 'demand he take action and lock up Joe Biden' in the wake of son Hunter's emails

>>11393186 Anons look up Finger Lakes LLCs and discover mess of money laundering, including a diplomatic shipping company, Disney, China…

>>11393208 Biden up by 10 points in new national poll / The Hill really?

>>11393215 IDF chief’s helicopter makes emergency landing after motor malfunction

>>11393259 Joe Biden to Michigan voters “I don’t need you to get me elected”



Comped comms/ clown split the bake then left these notes behind. Gatekeeper.

Anonymous ID: f2cfa7 Nov. 1, 2020, 11:02 a.m. No.11393553   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3729 >>3772 >>3880 >>3967 >>4057 >>4143 >>4184

Prize for Ukrainian prosecutor who settled Burisma case? A meeting with Clinton campaign


Newly released memos show efforts by Hunter Biden firm to woo key law enforcement official.


A few months after Joe Biden forced the firing of Ukraine's chief prosecutor, his son's company Burisma Holdings courted the replacement with a promise to bring him to Washington to meet with Hillary Clinton's campaign in the final weeks of the 2016 election, newly released State Department memos reveal.


Burisma's effort to woo — through its Democrat-tied U.S. lobbying firm — newly installed Ukraine Prosecutor General Yuriy Lutsenko raised concerns at the highest levels of the U.S. embassy in Kiev, where officials tried to talk the prosecutor out of the trip given the fact he was overseeing a probe of the gas company.


"Lutsenko now likely not to go to DC with Blue Star," senior State official George Kent wrote then-Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch in September 2016 after talking with Lutsenko about the bad optics of the trip.


"He got the drift," Kent added. "Not ideal timing, little receptive audience and wrong facilitator. He said he'd figure out a better time when there would be more traction/better audience."




Kent's discussion was one of many inside the State Department, where Burisma's behavior and efforts to use U.S. Democratic contacts to make its corruption probe in Ukraine go away created concern for U.S. officials.


Kent recently testified to Senate investigators he believed Joe Biden created the appearance of a conflict of interest by continuing to oversee U.S. anti-corruption policy — including firing Lutsenko's predecessor Viktor Shokin — while his son Hunter's Ukrainian employer remained under corruption investigation.


2020-07-24-Kent Interview with Exhibits (1).pdf


Kent twice reported to his superiors alleged efforts by Burisma to make bribes to Ukrainian officials, and he and other officials routinely chronicled efforts by Burisma and its high-powered Democrat lobbying firm Blue Star Strategies to pressure U.S. and Ukrainian officials to drop corruption investigations of the gas firm. Burisma has always denied wrongdoing.


Kent's and Yovanovitch's concerns about the effort to lobby Lutsenko grew to alarm when in December 2016 — just a few weeks before Joe Biden and Barack Obama left office — the Ukrainian prosecutors announced they settled the cases against Burisma for a modest tax penalty, the memos show.


"The Burisma tale of getting a court to shut down a PGO investigation noted below would amount to nearly the same mechanism — rich connected businessman politician seeks to use the court/judge of unknown reputation to close an investigation of a business with a dodgy reputation," a deflated Kent wrote Yovanovitch on Jan. 13, 2017, one week before President Trump took office.

Anonymous ID: f2cfa7 Nov. 1, 2020, 11:03 a.m. No.11393567   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3588 >>3668 >>3729 >>3772 >>3880 >>3967 >>4057 >>4143 >>4184

‘Israel will be stronger by a partnership with a Biden administration’


Former Rep. Steve Israel makes the case that Israel will be better off with Joe Biden in the White House.


Israel will do better with Joe Biden in the White House than with President Donald Trump, former New York congressman Steve Israel told The Jerusalem Post.


Israel, who left Congress in 2017, has been one of the people making the case for Biden to the US Jewish community ahead of Tuesday’s election. He recounted some of his personal experiences and conversations with Biden, along with the policies and priorities that made him believe the Democratic candidate is the best for the Jewish state.


The close US-Israel relationship is a strategic asset for the Jewish state, and Israel argued one way the asset would be even greater is that the US would be stronger and more influential on the world stage under a president Biden.

“Israel will be in better shape with a Biden administration because he retains his love of Israel, but at the same time is going to rebuild alliances that have been frayed by the Trump administration, and that makes Israel better off,” he said. “Trump has essentially abdicated US influence in the world. He turned his back on our allies and pulled out of important international institutions.”


Under Trump, the US “has gone from listened to by our allies to mocked by our allies,” he added.

Biden, however, will reengage with US allies and support democratic values in the world, the former member of Congress said, calling Israel “an indispensable part of that coalition.”


One of Biden’s policy positions is that the US should return to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, as the 2015 Iran nuclear deal is known, but to strengthen it. However, Biden and his campaign surrogates have not specified how he would seek to make the deal stronger.

Pressed on that matter, Israel said: “It would be unfair for me in late October to tell you what a very specific line-item policy will be in January.”

“Right now, Iran’s economy is doing very poorly,” he said. “They are worse off as a result of existing sanctions, nuclear and not, so you’ve got to assess the landscape of foreign policy in context.”


“If Joe Biden is president, he will assess the conditions at the time and determine the best course of action that reduces or eliminates Iran’s nuclear capabilities and protects the US and Israel. That, I expect, will be the foundation of his policy,” he added.


Israel said he had concerns about the Iran deal when he was in Congress, but Trump leaving the deal in 2018 without a new agreement to replace it “has left Israel worse off and Iran better off in terms of its nuclear capacity.”

Anonymous ID: f2cfa7 Nov. 1, 2020, 11:04 a.m. No.11393577   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3729 >>3772 >>3880 >>3967 >>4057 >>4143 >>4184

A barrage of election lawsuits threaten to delay final results for weeks or more


Many states are looking to the U.S. Supreme Court to decide whether mailed ballots can be accepted after Election Day.


With memories of Bush v. Gore in 2000 hanging over this Tuesday's presidential election, a record number of mail-in ballots has resulted in a large number of court cases across the country in many battleground states. They range from local cases all the way up to the Supreme Court, and cover a wide range of issues. The rulings could determine the outcome of the election, as most of the focus is on whether or not ballots will be accepted after Election Day, and by how many days.


Election rules differ from state to state, which is why some extensions are allowed while other states have clear rules on an Election Day deadline.


The former Attorney General of Kansas Phill Kline told Just the News that only valid votes should be counted.


"It's this type of after-Election Day finding of ballots that invites the most significant fraud because then you know the number of ballots you need to win," Kline said in an interview


"You just don't invite this after-the count-go-find-your-ballots-to-win type of approach to elections," Kline argued, "and unfortunately that's what many blue state governors and election officials are trying to do."


Kline explained that the push to change the rules in the middle of an election is like someone reserving the right to change the rules of baseball during the middle of a game. "We should not invite fraud in such a significant election, but unfortunately in much that's been done, we've taken down our guard to allow it,” he said.


The following is a list of the major court cases filed in relation to mail-in ballots and deadlines for receiving ballots in each state.




A federal appeals court determined that all mail-in ballots must be received by Election Day in order to count. The 2-1 decision by the 8th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals eliminates a week-long, post-Election Day grace period for late ballots ordered by Minnesota's secretary of state. A state law says ballots delivered to election officials after 8 p.m. on Election Day are to be considered late, and any received after that should be set aside and not counted.


North Carolina:


The Supreme Court voted 5-3 to leave the state's Nov. 12 deadline in place, allowing for mail-in ballots to be received and counted for up to nine days after Election Day.




The Supreme Court left in place a grace period that will allow ballots to be accepted up to three days after the election, even without a postmark. The secretary of state says unless there is evidence the ballot was mailed after the deadline, they will be accepted.

Anonymous ID: f2cfa7 Nov. 1, 2020, 11:07 a.m. No.11393616   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3729 >>3742 >>3772 >>3880 >>3967 >>4057 >>4143 >>4184

Judicial Watch Discovers 1.8 Million “Ghost Voters” In 29 States – Warns Of “Dirty Elections”


Full transparency is the only way to have fair elections. The fiasco that has been going on in voting, along with the outright criminal fraud has yielded very little prosecutions, though there have been some. Still, here we are looking at more corruption and crime and many of these people walk around scot free. What happened to Article 2, Section 3? I can tell you that exposing criminal activity is not enough if you don’t prosecute it.


The Washington Times reports:


Judicial Watch has released a comparison study of Census Bureau population statistics and state voter registration data to reveal a notable disparity. The watch dog group is now warning of potential voter fraud and “dirty” voter rolls.


The study found that 352 U.S. counties in 29 states managed to have 1.8 million more registered voters than eligible voting-age citizens.


“In other words, the registration rates of those counties exceeded 100% of eligible voters. The study found eight states showing state-wide registration rates exceeding 100%: Alaska, Colorado, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, New Jersey, Rhode Island, and Vermont,” reported Tom Fitton, president of the watchdog group.


Some of that excess ran as high as 187% in Texas, 177% in New Mexico and 171% in South Dakota.


“The new study of excess — or ghost voters — highlights the recklessness of mailing blindly ballots and ballot applications to voter registration lists. Dirty voting rolls can mean dirty elections,” Mr. Fitton noted.


Fitton’s organization has uncovered more documentation of fraud, crimes and downright treason than the federal government has and yet, those with the authority to deal with the information continually sweep it under the rug or use it for political points and votes rather than do that right thing.

Anonymous ID: f2cfa7 Nov. 1, 2020, 11:07 a.m. No.11393632   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Money Pit: Watchdog chronicles $19 billion wasted in Afghan reconstruction effort


In a blistering new report, the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR) has documented billions in aid dollars spent "carelessly, extravagantly, or to no purpose."


The Golden Horseshoe is a weekly designation from Just the News intended to highlight egregious examples of wasteful taxpayer spending by the government. The ward is named for the horseshoe-shaped toilet seats for military airplanes that cost the Pentagon a whopping $640 each back in the 1980s.


This week, our award is going to the U.S. government at large for wasting $19 billion in its efforts to reconstruct Afghanistan following the U.S. invasion of the Islamic nation to destroy Al-Qaeda and defeat the Taliban.


Since the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan in 2001, Congress has appropriated $134 billion for the reconstruction of the country. In October, the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR) released a new report, detailing where some of that money has gone over the past nearly two decades.


Of the total amount spent, SIGAR reviewed about $63 billion spent on projects in the region, nearly 30% (or $19 billion) of which was classified as waste, fraud, and abuse. In the 19-page report, the special inspector general describes the way money has been spent in Afghanistan as "carelessly, extravagantly, or to no purpose."


Instances of outlandish waste in the latest report include a never-used sports stadium that was funded by U.S. taxpayers. It is useless to the people of Afghanistan, not only because it was not constructed in a way conducive to playing games of soccer, but also because it does not have a functioning irrigation system. The report also details sloppy workmanship throughout the stadium, including ceilings that are falling apart, ineffective drainage grates, and a playing field that is literally uneven.


Added to all of that, the SIGAR report found that "the facility and grounds suffered damage because the Afghan National Directorate of Security (NDS) used the stadium as a base for military operations during a heavy period of fighting against Taliban forces from April to June 2017."


In a section of the report dedicated to fraud, SIGAR describes cases of theft, corruption, and flagrant bribery of government employees. The report identifies more than $296 million in contract fraud. Examples include contractors defrauding the U.S. Central Command on food service deals, and a translator with the U.S. Special Forces paying bribes to U.S. service members to assist him in procuring contracts for his trucking company.


And it all could have been worse, according to the SIGAR: The report claims that the work of the office of the special inspector general has saved American taxpayers $3.2 billion that may otherwise have been spent on the effort to rebuild the region over the years.


The report is unsparing in its conclusion about U.S. reconstruction spending in Afghanistan: "Endemic corruption, widespread insecurity, and lack of accountability over on-budget assistance continue to make any investments made in Afghanistan vulnerable to waste, fraud, and abuse and may threaten the peace process as well as the perceived legitimacy and effectiveness of the Afghan government."

Anonymous ID: f2cfa7 Nov. 1, 2020, 11:10 a.m. No.11393656   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3880 >>3967 >>4057 >>4143 >>4184

INVESTIGATION: How Chinese Intelligence Cultivated The Biden Family


An intelligence firm recently published an investigation report on how the Chinese intelligence cultivated the Biden family. The intel report disclosed a detailed narration of important events and interactions which took place during meetings between the Biden family and Chinese tycoons. As a direct result of the elaborate influence operation China managed to steal America’s nuclear secrets. As part of the operation, Joe Biden also blocked the sale of Russian Cryogenic rocket engine technology to India describing it as being “dangerous”.


INVESTIGATION How Chinese Intelligence Cultivated The Biden Family


Joe Biden’s compromising partnership with the Communist Party of China runs

via Yang Jiechi (CPC’s Central Foreign Affairs Commission). YANG met frequently

with BIDEN during his tenure at the Chinese embassy in Washington.

Hunter Biden’s 2013 Bohai Harvest Rosemont investment partnership was set-up

by Ministry of Foreign Affairs institutions designed to garner influence with foreign

leaders during YANG’s tenure as Foreign Minister.

HUNTER has a direct line to the Politburo, according to SOURCE A, a senior

finance professional in China.

Michael Lin brokered the BHR partnership and partners with MOFA foreign

influence organizations.

LIN is a POI for his work on behalf of China, as confirmed by SOURCE B and

SOURCE C (at two separate national intelligence agencies).

BHR is a state managed operation. Leading shareholder in BHR is a Bank of China

and BHR’s partners are SOEs that funnel revenue/assets to BHR.

HUNTER continues to hold 10% in BHR. He visited China in 2010 and met with

major Chinese government financial companies that would later back BHR.

HUNTER’s BHR stake (purchased for $400,000) is now likely be worth approx.

$50 million (fees and capital appreciation based on BHR’s $6.5 billion AUM).

HUNTER also did business with Chinese tycoons linked with the Chinese military

and against the interests of US national security.

BIDEN’s foreign policy stance towards China (formerly hawkish), has since turned

positive despite China’s country’s rising geopolitical assertiveness.


According to the report, Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden had multiple deals with China since 2012, presenting himself as the second son of the Vice President of the U.S. In 2011, the year after his visit to China, Hunter went through the same procedure with the leading Taiwan banks and financial institutions.


These visits above played a significant role in the political bribery of the Biden family. By 2012, Hunter Biden and his associates had already established a close relation with the Chinese government and its key financial institutions. According to the report, Hunter had established a direct line to China’s Politburo.


This chart shows the CPC’s cultivation of HUNTER BIDEN via LIN and multiple Chinese foreign influence


During several meetings in 2010, Hunter familiarized with the stakeholders of Bohai Capital. Later, when Bohai Capital was looking for a new investment partner, Hunter then arranged a short meeting between his father Joe Biden, and the CEO of Bohai Capital – Jonathan Li. Afterwards, in 2017 Hunter purchased 10% of Bohai Harvest RST (BHR) and became the director of the company.


Bohai Capital is a state-owned enterprise (SOE) and it has funds derived from national level SOE financials, such as Bank of China and National Social Security. Consequently, any partnership with a SOE is supported by the State and interconnected with the Chinese government. As stated by the report,


“the Chinese government-funded a business that it co-owned along with the son of a sitting US vice president and Secretary of State who was with a high probability directly or indirectly invested in the holding company.”


“There is no apparent reason for Hunter’s participation in the BHR partnership other than political payoff and influence. Virtually all financial investors or partners are state policy entities, state-owned entities, or only nominally private.”


The money, which the Chinese state paid to the Biden family for bribery, was transferred with help from Chinese major SOEs and Bohai Capital, here is a chart from the report:

Anonymous ID: f2cfa7 Nov. 1, 2020, 11:12 a.m. No.11393693   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3880 >>3967 >>4057 >>4143 >>4184

Why Propaganda Is Vital In Upholding The Illusion Of A Democracy



“Whenever the government of the United States shall break up, it will probably be in consequence of a false direction having been given to public opinion. This is the weak point of our defenses, and the part to which the enemies of the system will direct all their attacks. Opinion can be so perverted as to cause the false to seem true; the enemy, a friend, and the friend, an enemy; the best interests of the nation to appear insignificant, and the trifles of moment; in a word, the right the wrong, the wrong the right. In a country where opinion has sway, to seize upon it, is to seize upon power. As it is a rule of humanity that the upright and well-intentioned are comparatively passive, while the designing, dishonest, and selfish are the most untiring in their efforts, the danger of public opinion’s getting a false direction is four-fold, since few men think for themselves.”


-James Fenimore Cooper


Democracy is something that has been completely taken for granted here in the West. There is an ongoing triumph over past laurels, without paying heed to the road we have strayed from. We criticize others for failing to uphold a standard we consider ourselves the leaders of, but democracy is not something simply “acquired” and subsequently “retained,” it is not a “possession.” This is because a system of democracy is at every moment of its existence defined by the character of its citizenry. Democracy only exists if it is upheld, and if a citizenry fails to do so, it renders itself defenseless to an ever-creeping tyranny.



“The process has to be conscious , or it would not be carried out with sufficient precision, but it also has to be unconscious, or it would bring with it a feeling of falsity and hence guilt…To tell deliberate lies while genuinely believing them, to forget any fact that has become inconvenient, and then, when it becomes necessary again, to draw it back from oblivion for just so long as it is needed, to deny the existence of objective reality and all the while to take account of the reality which one denies – all this is indispensably necessary. Even in using the word doublethink it is necessary to exercise doublethink.”


What many fail to grasp when reading “1984” is that Orwell is not only the character Winston, he is also the character O’Brien. He is the Outer Party member-turned-revolutionary, and he is the Inner Party disciplinarian.


He is simultaneously the tormentor-programmer as well as the tormented-programmed.


Winston eventually breaks and releases the one thing that kept him human, his love and loyalty to Julia. In the end, an announcement is made that Oceania is ever nearer to winning the war and Winston looks up at a large poster of Big Brother and cries gin-filled tears of joy and relief, for he had finally come to love Big Brother.


He had become O’Brien.

So Who is the Said “Enemy”?


The enemy is our lesser selves.


Our most base fears, desires and obsessions. The voice that whispers in our ears telling us not to believe in anything genuine or honest, that the world we live in will ultimately destroy itself and thus it is all about looking out for number one. That it is our fate to be the playthings of higher powers.


This is the voice of a prisoner of Plato’s cave, neck shackled and looking at only shadows on a wall. This is not reality. This is the voice of someone who has been enslaved for most of their life. The voice of someone who has become so disempowered that they wholly accept whatever ugly condition is imposed upon them and will even work to defend it as necessary.


There is a way out of all of this, but you will have to become an optimist in order to see the solution.


“We must not be enemies. Though passion may have strained, it must not break our bonds of affection. The mystic chords of memory will swell when again touched, as surely they will be, by the better angels of our nature.”

– Abraham Lincoln

Anonymous ID: f2cfa7 Nov. 1, 2020, 11:23 a.m. No.11393839   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3850 >>4066

All-Out Gangs War In The Streets Of France’s Montpellier


An armed confrontation between two rival gangs has taken place in the streets of the southern French city of Montpellier.


Shots were fired at the foot of the Assas tower in the Mosson-la Paillade district on November 1 noon, according to local media. Masked gunmen involved in the shootout were caught on tape as they fled the scene.


Local media said at least one of the gunmen involved in the shootout was injured. He was taken to the Lapeyronie hospital. The extent of his injuries is still unknown.


The shootout scene was sealed off by local policemen, gendarmes from the Operation Sentinel, which is tasked with combatting terrorism, and the French National Police.


The incident came amid a wave of violence across France. A day earlier, a Greek Orthodox priest was seriously injured when he was shot by a suspected terrorist in the city of Lyon. Prior to that, a terrorist stabbed three people to death in a Nice church.


French authorities stepped up security measures throughout the country in the last few days to prevent further attacks. The shootout in Montpellier indicates that more serious measures should be taken by the authorities.

Anonymous ID: f2cfa7 Nov. 1, 2020, 11:25 a.m. No.11393858   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Military Situation In Syria On November 1, 2020 (Map Update)


A brief overview of the recent developments in Syria:


An unidentified armed group attacked the Municipal Building of Tasil town with light and medium weapons;

An IED exploded in the car of the commander of the Deir ez-Zor Military Council, Abu Khawla, in the Nashwa neighborhood, south of the city Hasakah;

A suicide drone has targeted militants’ car in the village of Nahla killing 3 and wounding 4 others;

Syrian Arab Army (SAA) artillery shelled the Turkish-backed positions in Kansafra and Kafr Uwaid;

SAA artillery shelled the Turkish-backed positions in the Kabani area.

Anonymous ID: f2cfa7 Nov. 1, 2020, 11:26 a.m. No.11393889   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Profitable Business: Syrian Mercenary Unveiled Details Of Recruitment To Nagorno-Karabakh


Armenian forces have captured another Syrian mercenary who was supporting the ongoing Azerbaijani attack on the disputed region of Nagorno-Karabakh.


On November 1, the Ministry of Defense of Armenia shared the confessions of the mercenary, who identified himself as Yusuf Alaabed al-Haji, a father of five from the town of al-Zyadiyah in the northwestern Syrian governorate of Idlib.


Al-Haji said he was promised a monthly salary of $2,000 for fighting as a mercenary in the ranks of Azerbaijani forces against Armenian troops in Nagorno-Karabakh.


“We came here to behead the infidels,” the mercenary said answering a question on why they came to fight in Nagorno-Karabakh.


According to al-Haji, Syrians who came to fight in Nagorno-Karabakh were also promised a reward of $100 for every “infidel” they behead.


Al-Haji is the second mercenary to be captured by Armenian forces since the outbreak of the battle in Nagorno-Karabakh on September 27. The first mercenary, who was captured earlier this week, was identified as Mehred Muhammad Alshkher from Syria’s Hama.


More than 2,000 Syrian mercenaries were reportedly deployed by Turkey in Nagorno-Karabakh in order to support the Azerbaijani attack on the region. The deployed of militants is still ongoing, according to some sources.

Anonymous ID: f2cfa7 Nov. 1, 2020, 11:31 a.m. No.11393950   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Seven Opposition Lawmakers Arrested in Hong Kong Over Legislative Scuffle


Hong Kong’s pan-democracy camp slammed the city’s government after seven current and former opposition lawmakers were arrested on Nov. 1 morning.


Police arrested them in relation to a scuffle that occurred on May 8, when pro-democracy and pro-Beijing lawmakers in the city’s legislature, known as the Legislative Council (LegCo), clashed over the appointment of the LegCo House committee chairperson. The committee vets bills and decides when to present them for a final vote.


Four of the arrested were current lawmakers: Wu Chi-wai, Andrew Wan, and Helena Wong of the Democratic Party, and Fernando Cheung of the Labour Party. The others were former lawmakers Ray Chan and Eddie Chu, and Labour Party chairman Steven Kwok.


At a press conference on Sunday, the police said they were arrested on suspicion of committing two offenses under the LegCo’s Powers and Privileges Ordinance: “contempt” and “interference with members in the Legislative Council.”


The LegCo pro-democracy camp said in a statement: “We strongly condemn the totalitarian and indiscriminate arrests of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, to suppress the rights of legislators and citizens to protest.” It also demanded that the seven be released immediately and unconditionally.


Chaos ensued in May as pro-Beijing and pro-democracy lawmakers fought over who was the rightful leader of the committee. The latter had sought to delay a vote for the chairperson position, leading to a backlog on bills that the camp feels will continue to increase Beijing’s control over the territory.


When the pro-Beijing camp tried to install one of their own to the chair position, a scuffle broke out.


Several pro-democracy lawmakers were dragged out by security guards. Wan, who fell amid the scuffle and hurt his waist, had to be carried out by paramedics.

Anonymous ID: f2cfa7 Nov. 1, 2020, 11:37 a.m. No.11394018   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4089 >>4143 >>4184

The Democrats' 'Jewish Squad' Is Fighting for Reelection in Trump Country


Reps. Elissa Slotkin, Elaine Luria, Kim Schrier and Susan Wild may not be as well known as AOC’s squad but they’re a new breed of blue lawmaker, flipping traditionally GOP districts.


Four Jewish female Democrats swept into Congress after winning tough races in the 2018 midterm elections, each of them flipping their seat in the House of Representatives from Republican control. Now, with the 2020 election just hours away, these four lawmakers are fighting to stay in power – and their battles could also have an impact on the presidential contest between Donald

Anonymous ID: f2cfa7 Nov. 1, 2020, 11:42 a.m. No.11394087   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4109

HOLY CRAP! FAKE KAMALA GOT LOOMERED! –Laura Loomer Catches Kamala Harris BODY DOUBLE at Palm Beach Polling Place!




This Is Peak 2020!


A fake Kamala Harris Body Double Got Loomered today at a Palm Beach polling place!


On Sunday afternoon Laura Loomer was campaigning in Palm Beach, Florida, President Donald Trump’s home district. Laura was greeting voters at the Lantana Branch Library in Palm Beach.


Laura Loomer is currently in a tight race against Democrat Louis Frankel and LAURA IS LEADING IN THE POLLS!


On Sunday a stretch limo pulled up and a Kamala Harris look-alike jumped out to take photos and fool voters!

Kamala Harris was in the state on Saturday. The Biden Campaign said they would be campaigning in Florida on Sunday.


The woman was even traveling with bodyguards!


This is incredible!


The Fake Kamala got LOOMERED!


Here is the video–