Wow, looks like somehow you got them all in??!!
#14549 (merged from 2 Notetakers)
>>11391199 BIDEN CRIME FAMILY dig
>>11391162 VIGANO: Scapegoating Francis: How the Revolution of Vatican II Serves the New World Order
>>11391174 Dem PA Lt Gov - Pres Trump Is Visiting “Small County PA” Like No One Ever Has Before In PA Politics (video)
>>11391175 , >>11391253 Arlington National Cemetery tweet
>>11391179 EXCLUSIVE: Devin Nunes: The Man Behind the Explosive Memo (video)
>>11391200 additional to Kathy Chung…
>>11391202 The Big Money Behind the Narrative—Sharyl Attkisson on Media Bias & Spin (video)
>>11391204 , >>11391297 QAnon / Q_Anon is no longer being used by anons
>>11391226 Jack Nicklaus questions COVID death toll, took hydroxychloroquine to combat his own virus symptoms
>>11391227 , >>11391235 more Finger Lakes diggs
>>11391243 Trump train rolling around the Indianapolis 465 loop today, people from all over the state joining in.
>>11391268 Confucius Institutes?
>>11391288 , >>11391294 Prayer from Anon Chaplain Corps
>>11391313 US Department of the Interior Twat - just sayin…
>>11391321 Economic Schedule for Week of November 1st'
>>11391339 Hunter Biden's laptop has phone no.s Clintons, SS officers and much of Obama cabinet - WEAK password
>>11391347 Zelenko protocol (HQC + Z) and journal link
>>11391454 Antifa a Jewish org?
>>11391461 Early voting stats
>>11391604 Kimberly Klacik is running against Kweisi Mfume.
>>11391635 The Bidens are a NIGHTMARE NATIONAL SECURITY RISK !!
>>11391756 Dems are sweating over Pennsylvania
>>11391771 Joe taking a Hunter-esque selfie.
>>11391898 The witch just retweeted.
>>11391926 Hunter Biden’s Complicated Incest Relationships