>Facebook’s third-party fact checking partners.
From fucking China!
One of Q's LARPiest posts ever. Think about what was going on at the time, and Q's concern is if a term is used that makes no difference anyway? So obviously retarded.
So you have Q, the pacification psyop, the BO who is probably Q or at the very least is in on the psyop, who chose obvious trolls to be BVs. The only reasonable conclusion is that board is being intentionally sabotaged since there is no further need for the psyop, but they still don't want you to know that's what it was, so they are orchestrating the demise of the board and will just drive the traffic away instead. What am I getting wrong?
Been here since FBIanon, you dumb cunt/BO appointed shill.
>What am I getting wrong?
Anyone got an answer to this question? Or more specifically, is there any way that the BO is not in on it if Q is a LARP?
Also, didn't ABC trace the IP of Q to Jim Watkins? Did anyone prove that either true or false?