Anyone got an answer to this question? Would the BO have to be in on it if Q is a LARP? Because that would explain the BO appointing shills for BVs, and would make sense if there is no further need for the psyop and they now want the board to implode and fade to dust while keeping the psyop under wraps.
Can you answer the question? Also, wasn't the IP of Q traced to Jim Watkins by ABC? Was that "hit piece" disproven?
Just trying to figure out why the board existed all this time and is now being sabotaged. What is truth and what is fiction? Am I the only one that cares to know the facts? I don't understand why no one can answer me.
Can you also answer this question? >>11395908
>Anyone that's against Trump supporters trying to stop the biden bus are idiots.
I don't know about trying to stop it but trolling the living shit out of them is totally acceptable.
Wrong, just don't know the answer to the question I asked. Why do you find a simple question so threatening?
Is there anyone that can tell me, technology wise, what level of involvement if any the BO would have with Q? Simple question, isn't it?
Original question that I asked two breads ago was reposted at >>11395908.
The original post two breads ago asked if there was a flaw in my logic and I got no response. But if you want to call me a shill please point out what I have wrong? That's all I'm looking for anyway, you dumb ninny.
Do fuckers here really NOT CARE what's true or false?
Thank you. That's all I needed. I wasn't looking to prove anything! I was asking a question.
Still seems odd to me that we are having so many problems lately that can't seem to be resolved. I don't remember any prior attacks even getting in our way and now the board seems hijacked by all these new issues. Just can't shake the feeling of the timing being odd with Trump about to be reelected. Also, no one can rule out that Q is LARP even though people pretend otherwise. It doesn't make someone a shill for questioning things. On the contrary, it would make much more sense that it's the shills that don't want things questioned.
>it's claimed that because of the work of John Solomon the FISA court will be saved, since it's needed
It's not needed except to spy on Americans, which is the entire reason it was created. It's unConstitutional as fuck anyway.
>Once Qanon hit the news it was farewell peaceful board. Pretty simple.
You're absolutely right that it could be that simple. I guess time will tell.
LOL. That's awesome.
Good call. I really do think it's likely that the ones calling others shills are the actual shills. Wouldn't that be 100% typical of leftist trash?
We have trolls destroying the boards and shills pushing us to keep things the same so they can continue to do it.