Fuck off bakes
You wanna play?
more than you got comms nigger.
Glad your all assembled.
Easier to nuke.
Y'all are so soo very bad at this.
>Anons will not be re-hiring comms. Too much water under the bridge.
Bunch a fuckin niggers, i tells ya
Lurk moar
>you're an Idiot.
>/qresearch/ isn't modded by big tech so no need to censor it here.
>Do you see how foolish you argument is?
This IDIOT must have missed the deplatforming.
Stupid nigger
>If you know such evidence I would like to see it. But unsauced assertions don't fly here.
>And don't just post one of OSS's annoying graphics.
That IS sauce newfag. Go to the breads/threads referenced
>In court, juries are asked to WEIGH the probative value of the evidence.
Fuck off Fungus
This ain't court, more like a lynching
>Anime baker trashing is really childish. But on your other points, yes, I agree, we're past the QAnon / Q_Anon removal question
You Fapped off on the notables again, nigger
Comms niggers wouldn't know a comeback if it beat them to death
Comms niggers are the shills dipshit
>I only just got here.
>Planned on baking for another 5 hours.
>Thanks all the same.
I'll be your Huckleberry
Hmmm seems nigger baker issn't posting updates
Prolly on comms jacking off to Fungus.