I appreciate your dedication. I have been trying since the beginning. These latest boards are crazy! What would help, before I fall asleep, has anyone narrowed down their twitter accounts? Are they blue checks or not? Q wants anons to counter narrative at 4am, but if accounts are unknown? I guess just go by Haberman, Corn, Tapper?
I've worked 15 hours today so I'm going to bed. Just want to leave you with a thought if anyone cares to research. Q said to research Maggie Haberman followers b/c Hussein, McStain, HRC, JP, BC etc put their talking points out at 4am and Q asked Anons, us, to counter that narrative. I searched a few times throughout the day and haven't found a link except some person called @slutforputin Hussein is following. That's all I've got.#MAGA over and out
Really? Yeah I'm sure he frequently directs anons to pseudonym emails and twit accounts b/c he's bored. Seriously?
Thank you, will do. My dear Patriot Friend. K Salman says things are going to be ok. Go figure!