Thank you for checking in, AusAnon. We have been watching the doings downunder with great concern. Australia is to the CCP what Spain was to Hitler during the Spanish civil war. Once we get sorted here, mate, I'm sure POTUS will begin to engage with all our erstwhile allies around the Globe to force decoupling with the CCP. Your loval governments have engaged in some of the most thuggish behavior only bested by the CCP itself. After the election this week there will be an end to the blockade of REAL medical science, or REAL Epidemiology, getting disseminated by the World's press. These sick people are going to pay for these forced lock downs which we now all know were part of the globalists' "reset" agenda. Until then, hunker down mate, find other AusAnons form support groups and take care of each other until a Patriot Expeditionary Force arrives.