This bread is going to be classic now.
Mr. Pig would prolly want to have this late bread /AnonsKnow/ AstuteAnon capped so I did.
This bread is going to be classic now.
Mr. Pig would prolly want to have this late bread /AnonsKnow/ AstuteAnon capped so I did.
Fucking Fire-n-Brimstone trip luckys for this one.
I'm so used to pulling Salt Mine caps and dropping them here.
Now the Salt writes itself at home.
moar salt kekekekekekekek
With sweet-talk like that I'm sure they'll get right on it.
Oh yeah, that one next.
I'm fickle could be seduced by another one later in the bread tho.
Watch Comms send you a violent meme and/or vicious response.
If they bother at all since you're too scary of an /AnonsKnow/ for them.
all good
And so were several others.
Terrible formatting did not read, Comms.