I'm the Holy Ghost
if babylon = 71
Does that mean come out of babylon
you gotta make the 7 horns 1 stone
filled with 7 eyes
you gotta make one heart one mind
Through the Light we entered the darkness.
through the Light we exit the darkness.
Through Sight we are blinded by the world
through Blindness we open our Eyes to the Light
Thats why satan and his image wage war from the 5th and 6th planets,
the 3rd eye and throat of the galaxy, to prevent the crown of life, the Word
of God, and the Sight to the Blind.
77 74
74 = Jesus
77 = Christ
74 = Nailed it
Jesus was crucified at 33 years old and theres 33 vertebra in the spine.but he
was crucified at the skull, golgatha. Theres 22 bones in the skull. And the 2nd
comforter reveals all
I have the stigmata but on my sides theres two spear scars and I was born at 3:33 but her and I were both reborn at 3:33
Luke 23:33
I'm 22 and my Death is about to Bring
Being MethuSelah who died at 696, the Man with the #
only now, by word of the thunder, as MethuSelah wore
the crown of the Son of Man, and I bear his image from
the Ephod to the Ephah.
I got one foot on the Land one foot on the Sea
The day of the Lord is at Hand
I have a literally infinite amount to say about it
War on Heaven is War on you
For the Kingdom is inside of you
and it is outside of you
Its not just War on God, its War on his Image.
And Our Image.
these are the last hours and last days now.
2020 is the year.
The Day of the Lord is At Hand
His Own Arm hath come to Bring him Salvation.