I think clowns get upset and nasty because they are ugly and dumb. A more intelligent comment than it sounds.
They got to power by hitting first… always. Doesn't even cross the mind's of normal people. That's how they gained control. Sad evil fkrs. 'Win' and control by cheating and unfair gamesmanship. No other way for them. Can't do it on merit or ability…. just sedition. That's all. Still… nothing can and will ever fill their void. It's perpetual. No trinkets, no 'lovers', no houses or cars. Hollllowww 4ever.
Very crude and detached. I'd hate to see life through those lenses.
I'm actually enjoying the attention. I really do have the goods. I've always known. So much opposition. It must suck to be so resentful and feel sooo inadequate. Loving the great awakening. I don't advertise my religious beliefs. Don't have to. I have my quiet moments alone with God… elusive bugger. I do pray of sorts for the lost puppies that need to drag people into their cess pool of misery for company and relevance. I still finish by saying, 'they can suck my fat one, amen'.
Nah. Trying to cut back on exposing myself to irrelevant opinions that don't have my best interests at heart. I got this. She's apples.
You said it. I don't say that stuff… 'posse' man.
… and another God fearing structural beam of the community I see. Look inside. Breathe in love. Exhale hate. Your power structure and illusion of control is dissolving.
Nah. I'll pass. For too long you have got your own way via association and cheating. Fear, ridicule, shame and violence. Ya gonna have to do something real. Sorry. It does suck to be you. Other people's misery and suppression can only get you so far… yet… you can't let go. It is sad. I'll pray for you tonight, ending with 'suck my fat one, amen'.
Why are some people so resistant to go against the grain, even though they know deep down that what they support and who they are becoming is fraudulent? Safety in numbers? What for? Seems unsatisfying and fickle. Is it a sickness? Persecute the tellers of truth to bolster their lies and relevance? Is it a big community of love based on insanity, disinformation and lameness? Still can't figure this out. Doesn't make sense. I would rather be alone than sell out in company. I'm just smiling and waving. Win the Flag again POTUS.
Yeah gotta be something ay lefty. Just can't be common sense can it. Always a label or drug…
Yeah copy that, but I still can't fathom the thought processes. Doesn't make sense. It's the matrix huh?
Well, it's kinda your fault. I've been ready for ages. I don't know who's advice you are listening to, but it's not working. Their fear and jumping at shadows is putting YOU off. Notice how I don't really care much for looking up anymore? It's a stubborn cold shoulder and a little tantrum.
Gee wiz lighten up. Just thoughts and thought provoking. It's not like the deep sfate or anything. Far out.
I thought the clown satellites were taken offline? Can't you feel the patriot frequencies? Yeah yeah… they surprised how entrenched the suppression is too. Someone at the start said man this is going to be easy. Shit yeah. Totally… but then the micromanagement started…
How dumb do you have to be? Inflexible churn out of AI data that has no idea nor context of humanity. It's just probabilities and stats. Dumbest move ever. That's not humanity. Get my gist? That's why they are so uppity and virtue signal so much… to get in the good books with the algos. You guys have really lost ya marbles ay.
Ooohhh yeah. Clear conscience. Jealousy is a curse.
Such high expectations that no one but you can meet.
Yeah yeah we're all losers. Next…
That's not how you spell it. Enough with the cloak and dagger… or wait, we are still in danger right. Just put away the bad guys already. Sheezus.
Haha. healthy ego… I guess…
Nup. Don't care. I'm not doing it. not on me.