Well thats a pretty obvious theory but it remains to be seen . media brainwashing is the most broadly recognized thing in america. i dont have a super wide circle of people with whom i talk but if its people i know or dont know they all think the media is full of shit, Trump has flipped a long awaited coin so to speak, that most americans were quietly begging for in their hearts. Most americans want the corruption in dc gone, and thats been the case for generations. Polls on trust in government were never all that high.
molinari should admit to bribes / coercion/ sex with minors or adrenochrome harvesting, which ever applies to her blue fuckwit ass.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2uoOO07dk7E
The speech that Got JFK killed will never get old
JFK is speaking from the same vernacular that trump is.
bidens dark winter refers to a plot to take out trump and pence under the deadness of all media, no phones no internet no television, just like they did with jfk when jfk went after the same folks. they killed him and the comms lights went out in dc for a week or so. Q was saying the ten days of darkness was the plot they intercepted from dems to kill the remaining patriots fighting them.
Implosion would be great , but locking the pieces of shit up for conspiracy to commit treason would be better, or even a firing line execution of all the motherfuckers
actually you have the right view there, im just worried about trump, and gods worried about all of us lol maybe not im sure God has it all in the bag. According to a dream years back this is where the cabal fails but not before war on american soil
Q is global, if anyone doesnt realize what that means is that the world is rising as one q. The world heard this was a plandemic, everyone sees the spectre of mass control, the cracks are showing in china. The entire non muddleheaded world is praying to God that trump wins, we are one we all voice our desire to escape the cabals world order it IS the apocalypse meaning the great revealing. The cabal is so close to being rained down upon from man and God and they cant even smell the death headed their way. I saw in that dream ALL the houses of the elite in ruins, the houses represented every aspect of what they created, the destruction was absolute
red states will back police against antifa and blm, they announced theyd hit couer d'lane idaho so patriots came out with guns and flags and a sheriffs ok
Im not saying anything, bloods gonna flow in america thanks to the cabals control of the left, thats going to be pretty dramatic
Ballots dont mean shit, they plan on killing trump and pence and covering it up with outtage on citizen comms until they have practiced the bullshit story they will sell us afterwards.
Im certain the DNC invited islam and china to come play with us in the end
xi called the united states, "don quixote" for trying to resist the reset to global communism, all the dems ties to china already paints them as converts, meanwhile the rothschilds cult are in their bunkers waiting for an outcome