Ready boss.
Ready boss.
Well, actually, there is one thing.
Do not ever forget who we're ultimately fighting.
He has to prove this is what the people want, in order NOT to look like a tyrannical dictator who murders his competition.
Why is everyone focused on the presidential election and not paying the Senate and House any mind at all?
Hi Fred.
They seem more concerned about who is baking and what graphic image they are using. A sad time indeed, for by the middle of next week, no matter who wins, none of us will be living in the same world.
Who uses voat?
Being a land lord isn't a job anyway, it's just another means to exploit the needy and capitalize on their misery and pain. Landlords will pay one of the highest prices when this is over.
No, there's already people in line as we speak.
Did you read his comment?
Not so in this day and age. You simply purchase someone else's work and unjustifiably jack up the prices and carry on in their footsteps.
I work for habitat for humanity, anon. Maybe you should rethink yourself. Arrogance will be your downfall. Humble yourself before the lord before it's too late.
It's not too late to look to God and accept his son as your savior. It's not too late for you anon, but time is running out. All of timeโฆ You must make a choice, or be lost forever. Please don't be in the 6%.
Wish that were true, but landlords take way too much from helpless people and provide them with nothing that is their own. If they don't pay the rent, they're callously tossed to the streets. It's simply the way it is. I pray daily for god to have mercy upon them.
You must be a land lord, trying to justify yourself for exploiting the helpless while you rob them of their livelihood
Yes, you must be a landlord, trying to justify your exploitation of the poor, robbing them of their livelihood and oppressing them to follow the rules you've created to keep them subdued to how you feel life should be. You must see yourself as the saviour, providing refuge and caring for them. I will have mercy upon you anon, but rest assured, the good Lord will not, so make your peace, time is short.
And here we see, two landlords frolicking in the sun on the first of the month, after the checks come in.
You're providing shelter to the helpless, for a nominal feeโฆ you are a SOCIALIST.
Depends what state you're in. If your in california, no, you have to open a meaningful and enlightening dialog with them.
Look, being a landlord is right in the first chapter of the marxist handbook. You can argue all you want. But you ask for their money and provide shelter for them until they're all used up and can no longer pay, then you boot them to the street and move another warm body in to take it's place so you can feed on them and get rich from their miserly. You are selling nothing to them, just bleeding them the entire time they reside in YOUR building. Period.