Thank you anon. POTUS is POTUS until Inauguration is on 1-20-2021. These criminal motherfucking libtards can do any and every fucking thing they can think of to steal this election. THEY WILL FAIL.BIGGLY!!! P-A-I-N is coming for all…………………….and they know it.
I wouldn't wipe my ass with any of these filth. Fuck every one of them!!!
Hey ShitAss. Quit stuffing post with shit. You fucking shitass. Knock it off!!!
James Clyburn is a full fledged retard asshat. Joe Biden wins if Trumps voter suppression succeeds. What a fucking NIG.
Fucking ShitAss!!! kek
Hello Frank. How's your Uncle's Meat? Sure miss FZ. He was one of my favorites!!
Would give a rats fucking ass if it was legal or not. That MOTHERFUCKER is D.E.A.D. PERIOD!!!