Anonymous ID: 7f86a5 Nov. 2, 2020, 6:58 a.m. No.11407462   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Had a strange dream last night anons,


>Basketball game between LA LeBrons and home team.

>Obama is part of the LA LeBrons timeout huddle. Puts his hand in center to break and everything

>Referees call fouls for LBJ for no reason.

>Audience boos

>One audience members shouts "that's racist, why does he get all the calls"

>Audience member goes viral for it and so he gets interviewed after game

>I'm a big fan blah blah blah

>He is a kid still in high school so they let him ramble

>Tells story about growing up in Cali

>Grandmother imprisoned by fake cops in cop car

>Courageously escaped

>Newspapers refused to cover

>Next days headline was "Faulty siren in car"

>Newspaper front page photo is of billboard in background with large black font capital letters "Mason Freemason"

>Audience member goes on to explain grandma kidnapped by strange group and press refused to report

>They meet inside of a mall inside of a Catholic Jewish church

>They gather money from their supporters to control ever growing swaths and regions of the population

>Followers think, you can pay $50,000 to buy the souls of 50 people in the north? Take my money

>Kid says that's when I knew there was something wrong in the world

>TV interviewer brainlessly goes along with it

>How old were you at the time?

>I was just a little kid when it happened

>The postgame interview inadvertently redpills TV audience.

>They go home a search "conspiracy theory" videos

