Anonymous ID: e508aa Nov. 2, 2020, 7:12 a.m. No.11407660   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7676 >>7781 >>7904 >>7964

Alright. It's Monday, the day before the most important election in history. It's time!


Mr. President! Flood the zone.

Do all this TODAY!

Durham indictments

Arrest Comey

Arrest Brennan

Arrest Clapper

Arrest Page

Arrest Strzok

Arrest Yavonovich

Arrest Kerry

Arrest Hillary

Arrest Mills

Arrest Page

Arrest Huma

Arrest Rice

Arrest Jarrett

Arrest the Podesta's

Arrest Holder

Arrest Lynch

Arrest Bowser

Arrest Brazile

Arrest DWS

Arrest Yates

Arrest Ciaramella

Arrest Nuland

Indict Soros and everyone in his organizations for sedition

Declas everything

Assange immunity for Seth Rich's murderer

Hunter Biden indictment

Cashier the Vindman's

Declare antifa domestic terrorists and round them up

Declare BLM domestic terrorists and round them up

State funeral for RGB with internment at Fresh Kills Landfill

Purge the Federal bench of corrupt judges, starting with Sullivan

Arrest Q's list of journo's who dealt in classified information

Arrest ALL the leakers

Invoke the insurrection act

Release everything possible from Weiner's laptop

Release the truth about child trafficking

Start wholesale arrests and deportations of every illegal alien and seize their assets

Revoke all birthright citizenship and deport them all

Expel every single Chinese national on the watch list

Release the truth about Obama's nationality and CIA roots

Fire Fauci

Fire Birx

Call up the militia

Shut down Facebook

Shut down Twitter

Shut down Instagram

Declare the hostile MSM as lobbyist's making in kind contributions and fine them their entire worth for campaign finance violations

Re-criminalize disrespect for the American Flag or the National Anthem

End the Covid lockdowns

End the FED

Reintroduce the Gold Standard

Make Nov 3rd a holiday

Make in person voting and absentee voting with ID mandatory nationwide

Death penalty for voter or election fraud

Decriminalize Pot

Shoot to kill orders on our borders

Looters Shot On Sight

Invade/Annex Greenland

Make Taiwan 51st State


Join Russia in military compact

Give Russia most favored nation trading status

Give Vlad the Presidential Medal of Freedom

Supreme court nomination

Expose John Roberts

Appoint Rush Limbaugh for the Supreme Court

Truth on UFO's

Truth on 9/11

Truth on JFK

Truth on RFK