Anonymous ID: 115d6e Nov. 2, 2020, 8:40 a.m. No.11408813   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Are we still keeping track of hit pieces?


Police departments across the country are bracing for civil unrest this week — and they’re not alone. Online posts by left- and right-wing extremists show that both sides expect the other to instigate violence on or after Election Day, according to data analytics company Babel Street.


“Both the right and left sides of the political divide ardently believe they are correct and the other side will cause mayhem and chaos, including the inciting of violence in the event of an unfavorable outcome,” writes Babel Street in a new brief out on Monday.


The company’s analysts looked at posts across social media sites as well as less popular forums like Telegram, and the more right-leaning Gab, Voat, 4chan, and 8kun, where right-wing extremist groups such as the Boogaloo Bois and proponents of the QAnon conspiracy theory are increasingly congregating as they are purged from mainstream sites like Facebook and Twitter.