Anonymous ID: ac066f Nov. 2, 2020, 8:29 a.m. No.11408673   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8721


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Huma, Iran

>The Huma (Persian: ‎, pronounced Homā, Avestan: Homāio), also Homa, is a mythical bird of Iranian legends and fables,[2][3] and continuing as a common motif in Sufi and Diwan poetry. Although there are many legends of the creature, common to all is that the bird is said never to alight on the ground, and instead to live its entire life flying invisibly high above the earth.

>There are numerous folk interpretations of the name, among them that of the Sufi teacher Inayat Khan, who supposed that "in the word Huma, hu represents spirit, and the word mah originates from the Arabic 'Maʼa' which means water."[4]

>It is also believed that Huma cannot be caught alive, and the person killing a Huma will die in forty days.[6]

>The Persian language acronym for "Iran National Airline" is HOMA and the airline's emblem has a stylized rendering of a Huma bird.

Huma, China Virus

10/29/20: (3-yr. delta w/ QDrop 3)

>Entrepreneurs are developing products and technology to battle Covid with artificial intelligence, data and 'biotech' products all coming to the foreground

>Huma - Founder and CEO Danoosh Vahdat is worth an estimated £42.9 million

>The programme by British healthcare technology company Huma gathers 'biomarkers' from patients and uses the data to improve treatment.

>It produces apps that integrate health data from existing hospital databases as well as patient wearables, like Fitbits, and other smartphones cameras and securely transmits it to doctors to use when deciding their course of treatment.

>Huma's focus shifted from remote monitoring of patients with rare and chronic diseases towards gathering biological data for use in preventative healthcare.

>The fact that the company works so closely with Tencent and other Chinese companies is notable at a time when there is a lot of scrutiny of China and how its companies may be using or working with personal data in countries like the U.S. and U.K.

>The Tencent partnership, he added, was largely to help build the company’s AI engine, with China’s massive population providing a ripe background to train machine learning algorithms.

10/29/20: (3-yr. delta w/ QDrop 3)



Anonymous ID: ac066f Nov. 2, 2020, 8:33 a.m. No.11408721   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8752 >>8793



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Huma, China/Russia / Water / Bridge

Re: QDrop 2:

>Where is Huma? Follow Huma.

>This has nothing to do w/ Russia (yet).

>The Huma River is a right tributary on the northern loop of the Amur River in China's province of Heilongjiang.

>Somewhere near its mouth was the Russian fort of Kumarsk at the time of the Russian–Manchu border conflicts.

>The Amur (Russian: река Амур, IPA: [ɐˈmur]), or Heilong Jiang (Chinese: 黑龙江; pinyin: Hēilóng Jiāng, "Black Dragon River", IPA: [xei.lʊŋ tɕjaŋ]),[2] is the world's tenth longest river, forming the border between the Russian Far East and Northeastern China (Inner Manchuria).

>The Amur is an important symbol of, and geopolitical factor in, Chinese–Russian relations. The Amur became especially prominent in the period of the Sino–Soviet political split of 1956–1966.

>The Tongjiang-Nizhneleninskoye railway bridge was proposed in 2007 by Valery Solomonovich Gurevich, the vice-chairman of the (((Jewish Autonomous Oblast))) in Russia. The railway bridge over the Amur will connect Tongjiang with Nizhneleninskoye, a village in the Jewish Autonomous Oblast.[25] The Chinese portion of the bridge was finished in July 2016.[26] In December 2016, work began on the Russian portion of the bridge. The bridge is expected to open in 2020.[27]

Huma, AW

Re: QDrop 2:

>Where is AW being held? Why?

>The former Democratic congressman — whose serial sexting cost him his political career and later sent him to prison — was recently named CEO of IceStone, which has a factory in the Brooklyn Navy Yard, The Post has learned.

Huma, Gowdy, Comey

Re: QDrop 3:

>Gowdy comments on Comey (history will ….)

>POTUS has everything.

>Not everyone is corrupt (fewer than you think).

>Follow Huma.

>Operation Mockingbird

10/29/20: (3-yr. delta w/ QDrop 3)

>Comey’s decision to reveal the bureau’s probe into the former Secretary of State’s private email server on October 28, 2016 – just 11 days before Election Day – has since been cemented as the turning point of her doomed campaign.

>Patrice Comey, his wife of more than three decades, says she was one of the people who tried to stop that from happening.

>She recounted how Comey came to her in their McLean, Virginia, home on October 27, 2018, and told her he had been briefed by his deputies that agents investigating the disgraced former House member Anthony Weiner had made a startling discovery on his laptop

>His wife at the time was Huma Abedin, Clinton’s senior aide. Investigators reportedly found an enormous number of emails belonging to Clinton, including some that the bureau investigators thought they had not found during their original email investigation, which was closed months before.

>Patrice said rather than appealing to her husband about Clinton’s political fate – which she said she knew would be a losing argument - she instead grilled him with questions.

>Comey reportedly grew irritated by his wife’s protests, insisting the gravity of the situation had nothing to do with timing and reiterating that he was supposed to be partisan in his decision making.

Following Huma.

Following Orders.
